Today in our RE lesson, Year 1 learnt all about Christenings and Baptisms. Some children even acted out a role play of a Christening. They were then able to pop the key words onto the picture of a baptism scene. Super work Year 1!
The children in F2 learnt all about The Christmas Story yesterday. They then worked in small groups to put the pictures from the story into the correct order. Keep working hard F2!
Year 2 were learning all about different Christian celebrations in RE, particularly christenings and baptisms. The children learnt all about what happens in a baptism ceremony and all the key words involved. They were then able to successfully label the diagram and enjoyed colouring in the picture when they were finished. Great work Year 2!
This week the children have enjoyed making poppies and talking about the reason we use them to remember and celebrate.
We had an amazing assembly from Elizabeth’s mum, as an Expert visitor, speaking to us about her life as a soldier. We also had a moving assembly, featuring Mr Chandler playing us the last post on his trumpet.
We have been learning about verbs as action words, please talk about verbs at home in your everyday activities.
Well done to those children who sent in their wonderful home learning!
Here are some examples from John and Almina.
Well done to Alfie, for his hard work in phonics and showing his mum his achievements at home.
In Speedy Reading lessons this week, we have been working carefully to use evidence from the text to help us explain our answers. You have all been working so hard folks! Just look at the concentration on their faces…
This week our children have worked hard with their literacy to understand common and proper nouns, and verbs in order to use these in their writing.
We enjoyed learning our poem āIn Flanders Fields.ā
We are also learning the names of 3D shapes, please support this at home with finding household objects which are cylinders, cubes, cuboids, cones, pyramids and spheres.
We are greatly enjoying our new phonics and the reading books!
A new half term meant new PE skills to learn. Moving on from hockey from last half term, year 6 had started their first PE lesson with team building activities and games. They are now moving onto OAA (Outdoor and Adventurous Activities) and they have already started off brilliantly with teamwork and communication to help each other. They worked in groups to solve problems and work together to complete the challenges set for them. It was a hilarious but enjoyable session as all children walked away with smiles on their faces with the teamwork and CREW they displayed today.
In year 1 we are learning about shading, hatching and cross hatching. We have practised first, and then we have shaded an outline of Rosa Parkās face.
3GS worked really hard at the start of the week, researching aspects of Roman life. They had to use different sources to find out more about Roman roads, houses, clothing and towns.
After they completed the research, they produced posters and presented their findings to the rest of the class, so everyone could learn what they had learnt.
Children were learning all about how Christians put their faith and trust in Jesus and how they trust him not to lead them astray. They had so much fun learning to trust each other blindfolded and being led around the classroom, putting their faith in the leader.