Hi all
Can all children come in PE Kits Tuesday and Wednesday of this week please!
As we have Plovers Sports for Champions and Sports Days 🙂
EYFS Sports Day is next Tuesday 16th July!
Mr Meade
8th July 2024Joshua Meade
Hi all
Can all children come in PE Kits Tuesday and Wednesday of this week please!
As we have Plovers Sports for Champions and Sports Days 🙂
EYFS Sports Day is next Tuesday 16th July!
Mr Meade
7th July 2024Miss Blackham
2nd July 2024Joshua Meade
Good Evening Plover Crew
Just a final reminder for children to bring in their sponsorship money this week please, for the Plover Sports for Champions campaign!
The money raised will fund part of the Elite Athlete visit and help to build fundings for our Plover children for future sports equipment, experiences and opportunities for our school.
If all sponsorship forms and money (cash) can be handed in by Friday 5th July please! .
Thanks a lot,
Mr Meade #LovePlover
1st July 2024Miss Blackham
Thank you so much to all of those who have bought raffle tickets so far. We have some amazing prizes including a man’s Gucci aftershave! Tickets will still be available up until Wednesday dinner time when the raffle will be drawn and the winners blogged.
-Miss Blackham
28th June 2024Josie Farrow
25th June 2024Joshua Meade
Hi Plover Crew
In a couple of weeks we have, local sporting inspiration, Jason Cunningham visiting us on Tuesday 9th July!
We are all going to enjoy training like a champion and want to know who will be Plover’s fundraising Sports Champion?
Just a gentle reminder for all sponsorship money (big or small) to be handed into class teachers by next Friday 5th July the latest please 🙂
If you need another sponsorship form please ask your class teacher for one. #LovePlover
10th June 2024Miss Blackham
On Thursday 20th June, KS2 will be having a euros party to celebrate the game. We are asking children to come to the party dressed in either red, white or blue. If children do not have anything in these colours, they are welcome to come in any outfit they choose.
The event will be £1.50 which will include a hotdog and a drink and all funds raised will go towards a McDonalds treat for the Year 6’s going to London and a McDonald’s treat for the Year 6’s who will be staying in school.
Additional sweets will be available to purchase in addition to raise further funds. The event will start at 4:30pm and finish at 7:00pm promptly. Children must be collected by an adult from this event.
Next week, KS2 children will be decorating their own plain t-shirts ahead of the game. If you are happy for your child to decorate a t-shirt, please send the t-shirt into school no later then next Tuesday.
Thank you for your continued support!
-Miss Blackham
6th June 2024Mrs Haycock
Well done to all of our Year 4 pupils who have worked really hard over the last few months to improve their recall of multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 in preparation for their official multiplication check this week. We couldn’t have asked more of you and really do appreciate that the pressure has been intense but you have all done your best; so thank you and well done. Please remember though: you may have completed your official checks, but it is still really important for you to continue to work on your multiplication recall. The quicker you can remember them, the more confident you will feel in maths next year and beyond!
Well done everyone!
Mrs Haycock
23rd May 2024Joshua Meade
Can the KS2 children who are taking part in the Dodgeball event at Kingfisher and Cross Country event at Mount Carmel after school at 3.30pm today, all come in their PE kits to school.
Thank you parents for transporting your children to these events after school.
17th May 2024School Admin
Please see Activ8 camp available to ALL children aged 5-11 this May half term at Tranmoor Primary – Use the code below to claim 1 day free!