Our Yellow T shirt winner this week is Skyla. She has shown a fabulous attitude to her learning, trying hard in all lessons. Keep up this positive attitude Skyla.
Our Yellow T shirt winner this week is Skyla. She has shown a fabulous attitude to her learning, trying hard in all lessons. Keep up this positive attitude Skyla.
Well done KS1 children for continuing to read more than normal at home and grown ups who encourage this. Another bauble has been earned today and put on the virtual Christmas tree… let’s see if we can get a flood of more books recorded and changed tomorrow!🙌🏼📚
Here is Lena (an avid reader) in 1M opening our 2nd present this morning!
Well done KS1, keep reading!
As part of our Christmas reading incentive, the children are being encouraged to read even more than usual. For every 30 books that are read in the Key Stage, the children earn a bauble for the virtual tree and a real present for the all of the classes to share. The first present was earned yesterday and we are well on our way to earning our 2nd and even 3rd present already! Well done Key Stage 1. Let’s see if you can earn all of the presents and decorate our virtual tree! Here is Johnny opening our first present:
Well done Key stage 1!
Congratulations Patryk.
You have shown a super attitude to learning this week. I am mega proud of your recount writing. Keep up this fabulous standard.
Hi Everyone,
I hope you had a relaxing weekend.
Here’s a quick round up of the wonderful learning that took place last week.
Remember to keep checking your child’s class blogs daily. This is where we will continue to blog key information and fabulous learning.
From Mrs Coward and the KS1 Crew
We used drama to really unpick our text Stone Girl, Bone Girl. It took a while for the children to really ‘let go’ and enjoy taking part but when they did they were amazing! Think my terrible acting spurred them on 😂. Great to hear the discussions and how well everyone could recount the event
Checked in.
PSHE focus… we have spoke about what makes us feel good, what we are successfully at then the children chose a feather to make their wishes and put it in the treasure chest!🙌🏼
The time is nearly upon us to start thinking about Christmas in school. Many children and adults ask us about cards. Due to the current situation, we have thought about how best to go about the giving and receiving of cards in school this year.
This year, please only send cards to children in your year group bubble (eg 1/2C, 1M or 2P).
From December 1st, children can bring cards and place them in the year group post box. This will be in their classroom. Cards can be dropped in any day up until 11th December.
On 11th December, the post box will close and no further cards can come into school. This will mean all cards will enter a period of quarantine. On Tuesday 15th December, all cards will be given out.
Please ask a member of the 1/2 team if you have any further questions.
Thank you for your support in helping to enjoy the joy of giving and receiving cards, whilst keeping everyone safe.
How are you feeling?
Favourite Christmas film?
I’m checked in!
What is reading? Why is reading important? What are we grateful for?
This mornings crew was all about this. The children took responsibility for their reading records and came up with some pledges regarding how they will develop their reading skills.
They then shared some reading with their crew.
Mr Meade