Beautiful art work

Well done to Ellie for amazing art work. She concentrated so well and added detail to her picture as well as adding her name.

Mrs Price


Beautiful work new 1M

Avaarni and Alec made an incredible castle for a King and Princess. Alec said “I’m a rich king!”

Harper did some beautiful independent writing about her new teacher and friends!

Then all the children finished of their awesome DOT artwork, adding detail for the whole school mural! #LovePlover

The New… 1M

Hello 1M

I was buzzing to let the children know who was in my class next year and what an amazing class we have! They have all worked hard, played crew games, been kind, set class norms, got smart and written all about themselves!

Remember parents Mr Meade’s new class will enter and be dismissed from Mr Meade’s door tomorrow and Thursday!

Parents if you want to meet and speak with me, Thursday afterschool I will be more than happy to discuss things about the year ahead. Also, if you could fill in the information sheet I sent home today that’d be great for any update of recent changes!

I can’t wait to meet you all!


Mr Meade #LovePlover

KS1 Entrance Tomorrow

Good morning KS1/Reception

Just to let you all know, tomorrow all of Year 1 (Miss Newton’s and Mr Meade’s classes) will enter school through the middle door with Miss Brown, Mrs Robertson and Mrs Jobber!

Miss Wood’s foundation class will line up and enter through Mr Meade’s door!

Mrs Price’s foundation class will line up and enter through Mrs Bubb’s door!

All of Year 2 will enter through the side door on the Year 2 playground!

Thank you 🌟 #LovePlover


Our children are looking forward to moving on into Reception in September. These children are some of them members of the class who are true Crew.