We are amazing artists!

We have been working really hard in Years 3 and 4 to produce portraits of our key artist: Henry Moore. Just look at this beautiful work to be proud ofā€¦

Every child needs to be proud of their achievements this week. I hope they take on their next artistic challenge of working with the media that Moore had available to him during World War Two with as much enthusiasm and support for each other as they have over the last few daysā€¦true crew!

Mrs Haycock


ā€œEyeā€ catching artwork!

In Art, we have been focussing on sketching eyes. We have used our observational skills to try to replicate the features of an eye accurately. Well done, class, for your amazing work!

Miss Brown


We are building our skills

3H have been working really hard to build their understanding of different grades of pencil and the variety of effects that can be made by them. Theyā€™ve also improved their use of a range of shading teachings in preparation for the creation of their final products.

Well done everyone, keeping looking and working hard!

Mrs Haycock


We are Artists

In Art, we have been looking at shading to show light and shadow. The children have done an amazing job at drawing a realistic sphere and should be very proud of their results.

We have also learnt how to sketch realistic lips. We then applied our knowledge of shading with different tones to show light and shadow and make our art look more 3D.

Miss Brown


We are artists

3B have loved their weekly art lessons building up the skills needed for our final product. This lesson we focussed on practising shading techniques and showing a gradient. Well done!

Miss Brown


A ā€˜BEARyā€™ Good F2M Family Learning

What a wholesome morning we had in Crew Meade. Mr Meade ā€˜BEARlyā€™ had to do anything, as the children and their grown ups did a wonderful job. We made bear biscuits, bear masks, coloured bears and fork bear painting. Ended with a nice cosy snuggle and story! Thank you parents and children once again, you were ā€˜GRRRReatā€™. #LovePlover

Guess who in F2M – we are artists

Today in expedition, we discussed the shape of our faces, how we can have different colour skin to others and how we use a paint brush correctly. The children made a great start and we canā€™t wait to add our face features and detail tomorrow! #LovePlover