Computing in Y6

6B had a really productive morning learning how to code in computing. The children really enjoyed experimenting to see what they could make their characters do. They also learnt how to create different backdrops and make their characters move across the screen. Well done 6B!

Reading in 6B

I had a lovely morning in 6B, working on our reading skills ahead of our SATs tests. The children learned about the charity, FareShare, and the link between this organisation and the work it does to support The Plover Pantry. The children answered a range of 1, 2 and 3 mark questions on a text detailing the work of the charity and how it has impacted communities around the UK. The children really impressed me with both their work and their enthusiasm. Well done and keep going Year 6! #LovePlover

So proud of this maths superstar!

This superstar has scored 34/40 on his arithmetic this morning and I could not be prouder! Keep smashing it!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 home learning winners!

These superstars had their names pulled out of the hat for their continued efforts with home learning and SATs revision! Well done all and please keep it up!

-Miss Blackham


Faith Day in 6B

6B had a lovely afternoon during ‘Faith Day’. The children studied Judaism and how Jewish people celebrate Yom Kippur. We looked at what happens during Yom Kippur and how it represents a day of atonement where Jewish people ask for forgiveness for any wrongdoings and make pledges. With this in mind, the children then made their own cards to apologise to anyone they felt they had wronged, or pledges of how to be the best versions of themselves.


Year 6 Easter competition- a £50 voucher for first place!

We have launched our Easter competition this afternoon with a £50 voucher for first prize and a further five £10 vouchers for five more winners! All you have to do to be in it is complete revision during the holidays. Please use your revision books, maths and SPaG site and you can either email your revision to me at [email protected] or return it on the first day back- Monday 15th April.

For every quality piece of revision you complete, you will have your name entered into the prize draw. The winners will be drawn on Tuesday 16th April.

Good luck Year 6 and remember- you have to be in it to win it!

-Miss Blackham
