Well done to these three fabulous girls. They worked so hard last week and all had their own special shining moments! Keep up the hard work, girlies!
Mrs Haycock
Well done to these three fabulous girls. They worked so hard last week and all had their own special shining moments! Keep up the hard work, girlies!
Mrs Haycock
After completing our first challenge of the lesson: ‘Am I Roman or Celtic?’, we checked in with someone else from another table and chatted through our answers together. Some of us felt a little strange: suddenly getting up and moving elsewhere in the room but the movement improved the quality of the conversation between everyone and their was more of a ‘buzz’ about the learning. Well done guys – I know it feels strange talking to someone different but you were all incredible! AGAIN!
Mrs Haycock
What a busy week last week was! 4H worked so hard and made some great learning choices too! Let’s keep it going 4H and work together to produce even more beautiful work this week! You never know, we may even be able to make Mrs Ogle squeal with delight again! Just remember how good you felt when she rewarded you all…
Mrs Haycock
In We Care Wednesday Crew sessions, we have been thinking about our families and what it is that makes each family so special. We’ve thought about the similarities between our families and what can be different too. Tomorrow we will think carefully about how family members can help each other. Our crew is like our own little Plover family and the more we get to know each other, the more we can support each other when we face challenges. You’re awesome, Crew Haycock!
Mrs Haycock
As historians, we were gathering facts…we had to use the information we were given to find out how Rome grew from a normal city into an almighty empire! I wonder if your children can tell you more about why and how the Romans became such a powerful force?
Mrs Haycock
Today, 4B have been role playing as a Roman legionary invading Britannia. Well done to everyone for participating and sharing some great ideas. This will help lots with generating ideas for our final write this week.
Miss Brown
The children had a PE lesson today based on health and fitness. They worked so hard completing different fitness circuits (some circuits a lot harder than others!) Great work Year 4!
Miss Wood
Yesterday, 4B had a great hockey skills session in PE. They worked well in groups to pass the ball to each other with care and precision. Well done! I can’t wait to see how your skills will progress.
Miss Brown
Just a reminder that Tuesday is PE day for Year 4.
To make sure the children have maximum time to actually do PE, we request that your child arrives at school every Tuesday in their PE kit. They do not need to bring uniform to get changed into after – PE kit can be worn all day. If your child would like to wear black joggers over their PE shorts when the weather is not so kind, this is fine.
Thank you
Mrs Haycock & Miss Brown