Year 4 PE

Year 4 were carrying on with their athletic lesson and today, they did multiple activities to test their athletic skills, stamina and strength. Well done year 4.


Home learning 🐻‍❄️

This week I have been blown away by Lena’s home learning. She has created an enormous fact file all about polar bears. Well done Lena for your brilliant attitude to the new expedition and I’m sure this will be helpful for future lessons.

Miss Brown


Hook week! 🐻‍❄️🌍❄️

On the first day back, the children worked in teams to use the clues around the school to reveal the title and guiding question for our new expedition: There is no planet B. Why should we protect our wonderful world? A great and engaging start to get the children hooked into a new expedition!

Miss Brown


Athletics in Y4

Year 4 had a lovely introduction to Athletics this morning. Children worked in pairs to test their reaction times and then went on to doing some timed sprinting races. What an amazing start to the new year!


Miss Wood

Year 4 PE

Year 4 had come back excited for the PE session today and they had discovered what athletics is all about. They discussed what could be involved in athletics (e.g. running, jumping) and the meaning of quick reactions and reflexes. They were then tested on their reaction skills with a game to see who could get the cone the fastest to get points. The children then were split into groups of 3 so their running skills could be worked on. One child was the coach, one was timing the runner, and the last running, to which they all took turns. I saw impressive teamwork being displayed and it was proven by the running race at the end of the session. Well done year 4 for persevering!


We are code breakers!

We have had lots of fun today trying to work out our new expedition title and the main guiding question. Some of the clues made us think really hard but with a bit of collaboration, a handful of thinking outside of the box, and a tiny sprinkle of peeking at the sheets of others we got the in the end. I wonder if your child can tell you what they worked out today and how…

Well done teams … you all did great!

Mrs Haycock


4H SLC Meetings

Due to my absence at the end of last term, and an error in the emailing system, only some of you received a message from me to book in for your child’s student led conference this week. If I did not managed to catch you before or after school on Monday, could you please make sure you pop to see me on Tuesday morning so we can arrange meeting times directly.

Thank you and apologies for this technical problem.

Mrs Haycock


We have taken a walk through the Arctic!

What a great first day back to the New Year! We have been introduced to our new expedition and have taken a virtual walk through the Arctic! Along the way, we met a few polar bears but do not worry…we all made it home safely.

Mrs Haycock


Christmas crafts and party! 🎅🏻🎄🦌🕺🏼

4B have have a creative, christmassy week making Christmas cards, calendars and party hats. We also had a fun afternoon for our Christmas party. Well done to those who got a chocolate treat for winning the games and for those who took part sensibly. Only one more day to go!

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Miss Brown


LKS2 Digital Map Final Product

Here is a link to the digital map we have produced to reflect our community. It contains links to biographies and fact splats written by the children and about where some people in our community come from and what the Romans did for Doncaster.

We are hoping to have a physical sign positioned at the entrance to school soon.

Mrs Graves
