Proud to be Plover

It was with great pride that we had the opportunity to represent Plover School today at the Doncaster Remembrance Sunday Parade at the Cenotaph on Bennetthorpe.

Paisley and Anwyn carried the wreath, with the centre piece incorporating LKS2 children’s images, and placed it on the cenotaph, to complete the ceremony.

It meant so much to see many of the Armed Forces, both past and present, there and really made us think about our LKS2 expedition, ‘Lest We Forget; How does war change lives?”

Hopefully, this will become an annual event for Plover.

Mrs Graves


Boggledybook Children’s Book Fair

We look forward to welcoming Boggledybook Children’s Book shop into school next Thursday. A great opportunity to buy great value children’s books at Ā£1, Ā£2 and Ā£3. Children can bring money into school and will visit the book shop throughout the day.

Mrs Graves


Check your Child’s bags!

Today your child was sent home with their unique Christmas card. If you would like to buy any of the products listed on the order form, please return it to your childā€™s class teacher no later than Friday 8th November 2024. Payment MUST also be made via parentpay by Friday 8th November 2024.

Please note no orders can be made after this date.

Year 4 Sikhism

We have been learning about Sikhism.

One aspect of our learning is how Sikhs wear special items of clothing called the 5 Ks as a sign of respect and symbolism.

Mrs Graves


Crew Farrow and Crew Graves/Robertson only (not 4F and 4GR)

We were lucky enough as crews to win the Community Crew prize on Friday. Children has requested that we have a dress up as a book character day on Friday, and we thought this was a good idea.

Please do not go to any expense, but feel free to come dressed up on Friday 18th October.

Mrs Graves


We are mathematicians

We have been working hard to add two 4 digit numbers together using column addition. Well done to everyone who recorded their working out.

Speedy Reading

4F have been using a range of reading skills to prepare themselves for the unseen text questions. We have been skimming and scanning, text marking and summarising texts in order to answer comprehension questions correctly.