PE day

The year 4 PE day is Wednesday. Please remember to come to school in your PE kit every Wednesday.

First day back

Welcome back to school! Yesterday, we launched our Crew week focus, reading. We enjoyed foraging for different materials to make our own book front cover. Some students were inspired by existing stories, like the three little pigs and Indiana Jones.

4GReat First Day Back!!!

It was lovely to see everyone back today and ready to start the autumn term of our new school year.

We have introduced the idea of the positive Character Traits: Respect; Compassion; Quality and Craftsmanship; Integrity and Courage and thought about which traits we would like to develop.

We also discussed our ‘First Week Back’ guiding question “How can we work together to achieve and end goal?” and how that applies to our end product of an outdoor library.

This afternoon we were inspired by books in our outdoor learning to create book images using natural resources.

Mrs Graves


Y4/5 winners

Well done to the Y4/5 team for winning the tournament against Mount Carmel and Park. Commiserations to our Y3/4 who gave it a good try coming joint 2nd. #LovePlover

Silent disco

Yesterday, we enjoyed a silent disco outside on the field.

Forget your troubles and dance!

Hinduism and Buddhism in 3SG

For our faith day learning, we were first introduced to Hinduism where we learned about the origins of the religion. We recalled our Geographical skills to identify which countries have large populations of this global faith, then completed some reading activities to firm our understanding. We then continued by looking at how Hindu people worship in and out of their homes, comparing the differences.

Later, we were introduced to Buddhism and completed a fact file on what we had learnt about the religion as well as their manners of worship in temples.

Well done all!

Preparing to answer the guiding question.

3SG have been working hard to recall their learning from our summer term expedition, putting together notes on a poster that will help them to answer it in writing. We recalled our learning from the DT, History and Science case studies, supporting ourselves with some visual help ready to write up.