3GS Grappling with Geography

3GS worked really hard researching the County of South Yorkshire. They used images to make predictions and then used the internet to look up facts that they turned into a presentation that they shared with the class.

We are proud of how they worked in collaborative groups to complete the research and then how they had the confidence to stand in front of the class and speak. Really kind, specific and helpful critique was then shared by the class.

Well done guys.

Mr Schofield and Mrs Graves


Year 3 PE

Today year 3, had been doing team building exercises. They had to work together to get through obstacles, working out which direction to go and what to do. If they got through the hoops, hopped on the circles and balanced on the ropes, they scored points. Well done year 3 for the great teamwork and communication I saw today!

#love plover


Year 3 had so much fun in PE today. They perfected the skills of balancing, jumping and landing on one foot and creating their own challenges in groups. They came up with some brilliant athletics challenges and it was so lovely to see them use their imagination when doing this. Keep it up 3F!


Miss Wood

Motivational Crew

Y3 Crews enjoyed a team building game this morning during motivational Crew. Well done for carefully transporting the balloon in pairs, without using your hands.

Speedy reading

Today in speedy reading, we summarised an unseen text in under 20 words. Well done everyone!

Year 3 PE

Today year 3 had been practicing their athletic skills with various different activities. They got into groups and went around the room to improve their speed bounce, long jump, sprinting and chest push with a ball.

Athletics in Y3/4

LKS2 have had a couple of great days in PE learning a variety of different skills including; sprinting using a bounce board, long jump, speed bounce and chest push activities. The children worked up a sweat and it was so nice to see every child so engaged and excited about their learning!


Miss Wood

LKS2 Pride of Plover

Very well done to the six pupils in Year 3 and 4 who were awarded the Pride of Plover certificate. you have all worked really hard and this was shown in the lovely things your crew leaders said about you today.

Well done and keep it up!

Mrs Graves


Fantastic reading

Well done to the amazing readers in 3F, who read beautifully to Miss Farrow and scored full marks on their AR questions.