The children in 2L have been busy researching and writing about flamingos this week as part of our first Case Study on Air. They have written great reports using subheadings, paragraphs and photo’s. The children have tried their best to do their neatest handwriting and everyone did a beautiful piece of work
A big shout out to the children below who told Mr Sprakes all about their learning.
In our PE lesson this week, we were practicing dribbling the ball using small touches. The children were then asked to work as a team to race each other to see who could complete the course the fastest. The children we then challenged further by having more cones to move through. We had lots of fun with Coach Morgan & Coach Adam! Big Congratulations to Lola and Joe, our sports stars of the week! 🌟
In Maths this week we have been exploring the numbers 11-16. We used our tens frames to represent the numbers and found that they all had 1 ten. We had to make sure that when we write them that the 1 always goes first (because itās a bossy teen!)
Before starting the teen numbers, we recapped all the different ways we could make 10.
Tomorrow, we will have the opportunity to work with DMBC Street Scene to begin planting our Mini Orchard and hedges in the KS1 area.
Children will be outside for short periods tomorrow. Please could we ask that all children have hat, gloves and a coat. If children have wellies, it would be great if they could be sent in to school in a plastic bag to allow the children to change their footwear.
As part of our Spring Term expedition, The Blue Planet: How will what I do today impact tomorrow?ā, we would like to take the opportunity to take our KS1 children to complete fieldwork at The Deep in Hull. The visit will be a full day where the children can see the spectacular aquariums with over 3500 fish and other marine life.
We will also be participating in a Save Our Seas workshop, which will help us answer our guiding question – How will what I do today impact tomorrow?
To keep costs as low as possible the trip will be split across two days, 13th and 14th March.
1C, 2L and a group from 12K will visit on the 13th March 2024.
1M, 2P and a group from 12K will visit on the 14th March 2024.
Children will bring home a letter tonight confirming the date they will be visiting The Deep. The letter will also contain details of clothing and packed lunches.
Payment and consent details are available on Parentpay
If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the team.
For this half term, Year 1/2 will be doing gymnastics. Yesterday, they began by doing a warm up of Simon says to stretch and get themselves active. We then talked about what is gymnastics and began to stretch ourselves into shapes. I challenged them to remember the shapes I have taught them and they did a super job of being quick. They then performed a routine where they showed off their shapes and transitions on the mats, before ending it with practicing their roly polys. Well done year 1/2, I am super impressed!
This week 1/2K started exploring the book āThe Big Book of Birdsā for inspiration for our next piece of writing. As it is a non-fiction text we have looked at all the different features of a non fiction book and thought about what that might look like for our writing. Miss Ketteringham showed us a model text and to help us learn it, we drew a text map and acted out the information. Here is our performance.
We’ve been hooking into the learning for our new expedition ‘The Blue Planet: How will what I do today impact tomorrow?’ We’ve used dinosaurs to explore some of the skills and knowledge that we are going to learn about and got really busy making models of dinosaur eggs and different habitats. We can’t wait to get on with our expedition learning!
Ready for our new expedition, today the children made a box model of an animal habitat. In 2L we created ‘air’ habitats and it was really quite tricky! We knew we didn’t want our blue sky to end up looking like the sea so the children worked hard to use different collage and paint techniques to create a beautiful sky. The children then added clouds, mountains, treetops and some flying insects and birds.
I saw some excellent collaboration in class today, well done everyone!
We’re very proud of our box models, what do you think?