This week we have been looking at the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. The children have been absolutely fantastic at retelling the story both for their learning and I provision, drawing pictures and doing role play.
Miss Wood
This week we have been looking at the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. The children have been absolutely fantastic at retelling the story both for their learning and I provision, drawing pictures and doing role play.
Miss Wood
Yesterday we had a special visitor in EYFS, Goldilocks came to see us! She told us all about what happened in her story, and how she came across the Three Bears house. We asked Goldilocks lots of questions and sang a the Goldilocks song with her.
EYFS team
Hana and Noah got our yellow T-shirts this week! Both children have done some fantastic re-telling of our Three Billy Goats Gruff story. Hana has worked extremely hard on her speech and phonics sounds and Noah has settled beautifully into our class, and has been using the big boy toilet. We are so so proud of you both – keep it up.
Miss Wood
Today we have been looking at our British Values. The children were interested to look at our new display board, as we looked at each area. This week our focus has been on respect.
Miss Wood
After reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff, we read the story The Three Billy Goats Fluff. In that story, the goats were knitted some boots to help them trip trap over the bridge more quietly, so that they did not disturb the troll. First we had a go at making loud and quiet sounds with our own bodies. We were then scientists and tested a range of materials to see if they helped the goats cross our bridge more quietly, then decided how we could use these to help the goats. We used the BSL signs for agree and disagree, when predicting if the materials would be loud of quiet.
Miss Wood
This week we have used soft play and building blocks to create our own bridges for the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We acted out trip trapping over our own bridges in soft play and used small world figures to test our our bridges in the construction area.
Miss Wood
Well done to Kara and Farhan, our yellow T-shirt winners this week!
Kara has settled beautifully into nursery life this week, following routines and getting on with her learning. She is a kind friend and a fabulous new edition to our crew.
Farhan has done some absolutely fantastic maths work over the past week, completing and creating repeating patterns. He has also shown a great work ethic in phonics, trying his best to blend and segment words in large group time.
Miss Wood
Today we re told the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We discussed key vocabulary then practised the key phrases that are repeated throughout the text. It was lovely to see children continuing this in their own provision, after we had done it as a whole class.
Miss Wood
A big thank you to all the parents who supported the children on their visit to the library today. The children enjoyed visiting the library and looking at the large selection of books they have. We shared a story together in the library and it was lovely to see some families even signed up to go back!
Miss Wood
This week we have done some beautiful paintings of different traditional tales, to help immerse our classroom displays. We explored colour mixing and creating a range of shapes with our paint brushes.
Miss Wood