Sea Creature Collages

This week F1 have worked really hard, to create some beautiful sea creature collages, as part of our final product. The children chose either a starfish, fish or turtle, to collage using a variety of materials. They thought very carefully about what colour materials they needed to choose, for their chosen sea creature. I am so proud of all the gorgeous artwork that has been created – we are artists!

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

This week Aayan and Jaxon got our Pride of Plover badges. Both boys have shown fantastic focus when doing their sea creature collages, as part of our final product this week. I am so proud of the beautiful work you have produced, keep it up.

Miss Wood


F1 Aqualease Visit

We have all had a very exciting day today, Aqualease came to visit us with some rockpools! We saw a starfish, hermit crab, spider crab, coral, shark eggs and lots of other things. We hope you enjoy our video attached below of our exciting expert visitors. Some of us were very brave and even held the sea creatures. Thank you to all parents for your support towards this amazing experience, without you this could not have gone ahead.

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

This week Olly and Penny are rocking our Pride Of Plover badges! Olly has done amazing work towards his individual targets and has worked hard participating in sensory story. Penny is one of our early starters and has settled amazingly into nursery, and is always being a kind friend.

Miss Wood


We Love Ice Cream!

This week we have been exploring ice cream. We started off on Tuesday by tasting different flavour scoop ice cream. We tried strawberry, vanilla and chocolate, then each voted for our favourite. As a class, we decided that chocolate was our favourite!

Today we was lucky enough to have a visit from the ice cream man, where we tried Mr Whippy ice cream, with rasberry sauce on top. It was delicious, and perfect weather to enjoy it in the sun

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

This weeks Pride Of Plover has gone to Ocean and Otis. Both children have settled into school beautifully, work so hard and are kid members of our crew. They are a pleasure to teach and always have a smile on their faces, so proud of you both, keep it up.

Miss Wood


Gravel please

For the EYFS outdoor area we need gravel and small stones to create a vehicle area where the children can use toy vehicles and create roads.

If you have or know anyone who has a large amount of gravel that they would donate to us it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

EYFS team


Pride Of Plover

Our Pride Of Plover this week has gone to Minadi and Skyla. Both girls are always eager to learn, show an excellent attitude to learning and are kind/caring members of our crew. Minadi has settled beautifully into our school routines as an early starter. They are both a pleasure to have in our crew. Keep working hard superstars.

Miss Wood
