Here are some photos of the celebration when we were back in EYFS.
Mrs Price
Here are some photos of the celebration when we were back in EYFS.
Mrs Price
I am so incredibly proud of all of the F1 children that took part in our celebration of learning today. You performed the dance you have been working hard to learn, absolutely beautifully, and did some amazing singing.
The EYFS children were very excited to be presented with their recycling sticker, for their bin’s at home, displaying their gorgeous artwork.
Miss Wood
This week we have been looking at repeating patterns. We used paint to create repeating patterns on the buntings, ready for our celebration of learning. We then used our fine motor skills to write our names on the back, and cut out the bunting.
Reminder; we would love to see as many of you as possible at our celebration of learning! On Thursday 4th July at 2pm.
Miss Wood
Hana and Thea got our Pride Of Plover badges this week. They have both been working really hard in phonics, and have shown great perseverance with their handwriting. Thea has also improved her attendance, coming to school every day this week. Well done girls!
Miss Wood
This week we have started case study 3. We read the story Billy’s Bucket, then used our imaginations to decide where our buckets would take us. We had a go at drawing what would be inside our buckets, then some children chose to follow up their own learning by drawing and designing, the outside of their bucket.
Miss Wood
This week our Pride Of Plover badges went to Farhan and Nusang! Both boys have done absolutely fantastic in their phonics and maths assessments, showing great progress. I am so proud of how hard you have been working, keep it up.
Miss Wood
Yesterday we was lucky enough to have a visit from a fire engine. The fire crew showed us how to use the hose and let us sit in the truck. It was so exciting!
Miss Wood
Today we have revisited Diwali for our sticky knowledge, as part of faith day. We used cooours and blocks to create rangoli patterns, and looked at our floor book to discuss the diva lamps we made in Autumn term. We also watched a video showing Diwali celebrations.
Miss Wood
This week we have been learning to remember a sequence of movements, relating to music. We learnt a dance to Under The Sea, and practised counting our movements in groups of 4, and then 8. Look how fantastic our little dancers were!
Miss Wood