Autumn Handwriting Competition

Choose a poem that is appropriate to your age.

Copy out the poem with beautiful handwriting and presentation.

Give your poem to Mrs Graves by the end of Tuesday 11th October.

I can’t wait to see your wonderful work!

Mrs Graves


Tag Rugby Appreciation

Well done to all the children who took part in the RLWC tag rugby tournament at Toll Bar today. They did themselves and the school proud, showing resilience, perseverance and team work!

We didn’t quite win it, but a great experience for us all (even in the rainy weather).

Parent helpers you guys were awesome!

Many more sports tournaments to come.


6T Critiquing

6T continue to impress me with their fantastic attitude to learning, as well as with the kind, helpful and specific critique they have offered their peers today. I am looking forward to reading the final piece, which the children are going to be writing up on best space paper this afternoon! #LovePlover

Y5/6 Tag Rugby Tournament Tomorrow

Hi all,

Just a reminder to the 11 children (Charlotte, Bradley, Layla, Mathew, Anez, Shyaw, Tommy B, Tommy R, Dylan, Kenzie, Louis) who are representing Plover at the Tag Rugby tournament tomorrow.

Please bring sports trainers and/or football boots, WATERPROOFS (the weathers looking miserable), snacks and water bottles. Plover will give all children a sports kit to wear on the day.

We will be leaving Plover at 11.45am and return to Plover between 3.30pm/4pm (traffic depending).

Parent volunteers if you can please meet at reception at 11.40am then we will all set off together in cars.

Thank you all again for your cooperation.

Mr Meade

What is Tag Rugby? – Centurion Rugby
Best waterproof jackets for 2022 – and those to avoid - Which?

Amazing Writing

We’ve had some amazing writing in 6T today. I am so incredibly proud of the children who wrote all day (with breaks!) because they were so enthusiastic about their work. I was told by several of the children how much they’d enjoyed the writing, which was a joy to hear. Here’s a look at our models but look out for the finished stories coming next week. Keep up the great work everyone! #LovePlover

A busy couple of days!

It’s been such a busy couple of days in 6T! The amount of learning the children have squeezed into the last two days has been nothing short of amazing. I don’t know how they have kept up! We have been starting to think ahead to our stories next week, preparing some correctly punctauted dialogue that we will write into our final piece. We have then done some further reading on the moon landing.

In Maths, we have started to look at negative numbers. The children worked so hard on this, using their number lines to support their thinking.

I am really noticing the children’s critique skills improving too, they are coming up with great suggestions for improving their work! #LovePlover

Thank you 6T

Thank you 6T for a wonderful day at the Space Centre. You all were an absolute credit to our school. The way you conducted yourselves in such a busy enviorment was superb and I was so proud to be your teacher today. We would all like to give a shout out to Liam and Layla’s parents who came to support us, as well as to Mrs Jobber for all her help today! Miss Blackham is kindly making a Y6 video to allow you to enjoy all the photos of today so watch this space! #LovePlover

Moon Landing Debate

6T are having a fantastic morning, furiously gathering evidence to support if they think the moon landing was real or not. I am so proud of how well they are looking for clues in the sources they have been given. There are some lively debates going on in the classroom! #LovePlover