6B and 6R worked so hard yesterday! We have been learning about the awful Aberfan mining tragedy. They were debating whether the disaster was a man made disaster or not. I was so impressed with their first drafts!
-Miss Blackham
6B and 6R worked so hard yesterday! We have been learning about the awful Aberfan mining tragedy. They were debating whether the disaster was a man made disaster or not. I was so impressed with their first drafts!
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 are busy creating timelines to understand key events about the history of mining in Britain.
Good Morning Crew Plover
Just a final reminder for children to bring in their sponsorship money for the Sports for Champions campaign!
The money raised with fund part of the Elite Athlete visit and provide some much needed sports equipment/ opportunities for our school.
If all sponsorship forms and money (cash) can be handed in by tomorrow Tuesday 23rd May please! If you feel more comfortable not giving cash yoy can scan the QR code which takes you to the crowd funder page.
Thanks a lot,
Mr Meade #LovePlover
-Miss Blackham
Ice pops will be on sale this Friday to all 5/6 children. They will be 50p each and all money raised will go towards our leavers hoodies! If any parents would like to support further fundraising events, please email Miss Blackham- [email protected]
Our current Expedition in Years 5&6 is mining! We would love to hear mining stories from loved ones! If anyone is able to come in to talk to our children about their mining experiences or their loved ones mining experiences (if they can not come in themselves) we would be so grateful! We would also love any photos you have too! Please email any pictures of if you know anyone who could come in to talk to us to [email protected]
Hi Plover Crew
Just a gentle reminder, can all children bring in their sponsorship money/forms by next Monday 21st May!
In support for the Sports for Champions campaign, then we can count our whole school total and give out prizes for the highest fundraisers in each KS1, before the half term holidays! #LovePlover
-Miss Blackham
We are so proud of our awesome Year 6’s! They have worked so hard and we couldn’t have asked for any more from them! No matter what the results are, we could not be prouder! We hoped they enjoyed their ice cream and slush treats this afternoon. Thank you to all the adults who kept this surprise and for your continued support! We really appreciate it!
-Miss Blackham