-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
You can now claim an hour for Children’s University if you take part in the Spring Poetry Competition. Use code BLUE2819
Mrs Shuka
Shout out to our times table superstars for this week!
Well done Ohla, Shyaw, Layla and Kayden.
A new tournament has been set up for this week and the winners will be announced next Tuesday, during community crew.
You produced such lovely poems when we held our Autumn handwriting competition, I thought it would be a good idea to update our display with poems that reflect the coming season – Spring.
Choose an appropriate poem from the selection attached to this blog and copy it out beautifully, using your best handwriting and presentation.
You can decorate it and use colour if you wish.
Please give completed poems to Mrs Graves by Monday 6th March.
Mrs Graves
Well done to Crew Roberston for the most quizzes passed this week! Well done to Crew Topliss for the most minutes read this week! Who will win next week? #LovePlover
Thanks to our expert Geoff who came to share his photography knowledge with 5/6 children yesterday afternoon! The children loved putting their skills to the test!
-Miss Blackham
Thank you to Geoff who came in today to help us understand the importance of photographs and the stories they tell. The children really enjoyed the session and we enjoyed taking lots of pictures on the iPad using our new skills. We look forward to further using these skills at family learning on Thursday 23rd February at 2pm. #LovePlover