We need to hear your mining stories!

Our current Expedition in Years 5&6 is mining! We would love to hear mining stories from loved ones! If anyone is able to come in to talk to our children about their mining experiences or their loved ones mining experiences (if they can not come in themselves) we would be so grateful! We would also love any photos you have too! Please email any pictures of if you know anyone who could come in to talk to us to [email protected]

Sports for Champion – Sponsorship Money

Hi Plover Crew

Just a gentle reminder, can all children bring in their sponsorship money/forms by next Monday 21st May!

In support for the Sports for Champions campaign, then we can count our whole school total and give out prizes for the highest fundraisers in each KS1, before the half term holidays! #LovePlover

Project in a Box

This week Year 5 will be taking part in Project in a Box. We will be looking at all the different jobs that are involved in creating, buying, selling and looking after the buildings we use. Today we worked in small groups to figure out how to build the tallest tower, with limited resources and money.

King’s Coronation Picnic

5M have had a wonderful time celebrating the King’s Coronation. We loved dressing in red, white and blue and had a lovely picnic outside, thank you so much to Adele and the kitchen team for making our delicious packed lunched in Union Jack themed boxes.

Doncaster Belles Tickets this Sunday

Follow the instructions below for FREE child tickets with a paying £5 adult to the Doncaster Belles womens football match on Sunday at the Eco-Power…

Hook Week

This week in hook week we have found out our guiding question: How has the mining industry shaped our community?

We used our inferences skills to look at pictures and made predictions about what we thought out new expedition was going to be about. We created different pieces of artwork which has been displayed in the classroom and in the Year 5/6 corridor. These were of different things that could be mined and oil pastel drawings of mining villages.