Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink in 4G

This week we have been learning about the water cycle in 4G. We have created the water cycle in a bag and have been fascinated to see how water evaporates to condensation and then falls back down as precipitation.

On Thursday, we were visited by Mrs Poncia, who lives in Fishlake and was flooded out of her home during the floods of 2019. She talked us through the build up to the flood and then what happened on that terrible night, when she was evacuated by boat.

Have a lovely half term!

Mrs Graves


Cricket Clubs 🏏

Is your child interested in cricket?

Find their nearest All Stars (5-8 year olds) or Dynamos (8-11 year olds) Cricket Centre by following the link below;https://ecb.clubspark.uk/AllStars/SearchResults?gclid=CjwKCAjw67ajBhAVEiwA2g_jEPJ0vbYlFf0j5HF56GxjyBzLyKDRsXdwaNSbUhYtLbqjS98cWY7_8xoCmKIQAvD_BwE

Sports for Champions Fundraising Money

Good Morning Crew Plover

Just a final reminder for children to bring in their sponsorship money for the Sports for Champions campaign!

The money raised with fund part of the Elite Athlete visit and provide some much needed sports equipment/ opportunities for our school.

If all sponsorship forms and money (cash) can be handed in by tomorrow Tuesday 23rd May please! If you feel more comfortable not giving cash yoy can scan the QR code which takes you to the crowd funder page.

Thanks a lot,

Mr Meade #LovePlover

Hotseating Earthquake Survivors

We have been using our imagination and role play skills this week in preparation for our final write. To prepare for writing a newspaper report about the earthquake in Turkey and Syria earlier this year, we have been hot seating as earthquake survivors. To do this, we have had to imagine being a survivor and what experiences and feelings they might have had. We have also had think of questions that we might want to ask.

I am very proud of how everyone has worked this week, it has been a serious topic to discuss and they have been thoughtful and respectful throughout.

Well done 4G.

Mrs Graves


Sports for Champion – Sponsorship Money

Hi Plover Crew

Just a gentle reminder, can all children bring in their sponsorship money/forms by next Monday 21st May!

In support for the Sports for Champions campaign, then we can count our whole school total and give out prizes for the highest fundraisers in each KS1, before the half term holidays! #LovePlover

Doncaster Belles Tickets this Sunday

Follow the instructions below for FREE child tickets with a paying £5 adult to the Doncaster Belles womens football match on Sunday at the Eco-Power…