Spring Poetry CU Stamp Code

You can now claim an hour for Children’s University if you take part in the Spring Poetry Competition. Use code BLUE2819

Mrs Shuka


Hook day

Welcome back 4F! We started this week off with a hook day to immerse the children into our new learning. The second half of case study 2 is all about teeth and the digestive system. We made digestive system aprons, body bonding, cotton bud skeletons and used disclosing tablets.

Easter raffle!

-Miss Blackham


Spring Handwriting Competition

You produced such lovely poems when we held our Autumn handwriting competition, I thought it would be a good idea to update our display with poems that reflect the coming season – Spring.

Choose an appropriate poem from the selection attached to this blog and copy it out beautifully, using your best handwriting and presentation.

You can decorate it and use colour if you wish.

Please give completed poems to Mrs Graves by Monday 6th March.

Mrs Graves


Lightning Squad

What a great start to our half term. It’s only the second day back and I’ve already awarded four certificates for fantastic phonics and reading in The Lightning Squad.

Well done to Julita, Jerzie, Baran and Conor!

Look out for Lightning Squad letters so you can continue learning by logging on at home. You can claim your home learning hours on children’s university for this activity with stamp code ORANGE0161

Mrs Shuka
