This morning, Crew Longley were slightly sleepy during our crew session. To ensure we were energised and ready to get smart, we participated in one of the Joe Wicks fitness sessions. This certainly got us huffing and puffing but ready to learn!
This year the children will be using Freckle to develop their maths skills. Freckle provides differentiated maths practice that balances fun with learning.
The log in details have been emailed to parents / guardians this evening. Children will also be bringing home details later in the week.
Kind regards
KS1 Team
Medieval Banquet
Today in Year 2 we had a banquet in class. We all had a different role to play and everyone had a great time! We had a King and Queen, Lords and Ladies, Knights, musicians, a jester and kitchen and waiting staff. The children enjoyed food and dancing and then we reflected on what it might really have been like to attend a real banquet in the past.
Mrs Lewis
Year 2 This Week
Wow, what a wonderful across Year 2 this week!
In Maths, we have been starting to grapple with different ways to show numbers to 100 and how to read and write numbers to 100.
In our expedition, ‘Rags to Riches: What lies within the castle walls?’, we have been learning about what a castle is, learning about the different parts and the 3 main types of castles. We looked at the stone keep castles that we will create a model of as part of our final product work.
In phonics, we have been working revising our phonemes, getting to grips with our new way of learning phonics and reading words with the -IRE phoneme. We have really worked hard to read fluently on the new books! The crew leaders can’t wait to see how many children have been working hard to read at home as well!
And sadly, today we have been remembering the life of our fantastic Queen Elizabeth. our crew leaders were blown away by the maturity and respect we showed during our discussion and minutes silence.
Rugby World Cup Tickets
Good Evening
We have a fantastic opportunity for 10 of our Plover children to be flag bearers and parade around the Eco Power pitch for the opening game of the Rugby League World Cup!
Ā· The first fixture at the Eco Power Stadium, which will take place on Monday 17th October, France Vs Greece, 7.30pm kick off. This is the game that we plan on celebrating the success of the RLWC2021 Legacy program that our school has been a part of. We are encouraging as many children to attend this fixture with friends, family, parents and school friends. The Flag Parade will take place 30/40 mins before kick off!
Ā· Parents will be able to pay for tickets on ParentPay for themselves and their children. We are keeping a track on quantities so tickets can be bought together and all the Plover Crew sit together for this amazing experience!
It would be amazing for as many Plover children and families to experience this once in a life time sporting opportunity. We ask that every child attending has a parent/guardian with them. Mr Meade and another member of Plover staff will be there to meet you all.
Any questions email [email protected] or speak to the office! The deadline for tickets is next Friday 16th September! #LovePover
Plover pantry 💙
The Plover pantry is on weekly from 9am tomorrow. We will also have a variety of fruit and vegetables as well as free tea and coffee. We hope to see you there!
-Miss Blackham
Fabulous Phonics
Today the children were outstanding during our Phonics session, we couldn’t be more proud! Here are some pictures of them busy at work practising their reading and writing.
Be sure to check your child’s Reading Record to find this week’s reading book QR code.
KS1 Phonics Reading Books
This year the children will be learning FFT Success For All Phonics. Each day they will read a phonics book in class. The children will have access to this book at home electronically. This can be read on any kind of device by scanning a QR code.
The children will bring a slip home with their QR code on a Tuesday with their reading for pleasure book.
If anyone would like any help, please speak to one of the team at hometime.
A useful link for helping with nits
We know it makes your head itch just thinking about it and it feels awful but the reality is, nits are around and it’s a total inconvenience for the whole family! Here is a link with some info to help you…