5S are parliamentarians

As part of parliament week, crews around school engaged in learning about parliament and its processes in our country. This helps us to understand the British values of democracy and law.

Crew Schofield enjoyed engaging in their own parliamentary style debates on issues affecting our school, learning how they link to the manner in which bigger decisions are made for our country. They also enjoyed learning about the process of a general election and how that determines our representation in parliament.

In our photos, members of our ‘house’ were voting on a bill that proposed the banning of football at lunchtimes!

Investigating Henry Mooreā€™s art

Today, the class investigated Henry Mooreā€™s style of art. We gathered some information about his famous WW2 shelter sketches and annotated some of his artwork. Then, the class were excited to have a go at exploring his method with wax crayons and water colour paint. Next lesson, we will be replicating one of his famous pieces and I canā€™t wait to see what the class will produce!

Miss Brown


Super writers

During provision this afternoon some children chose to write about a bear. I was very impressed with their writing and how they used Fred fingers.

Mrs Price


Learning about bears

Today we learnt facts about bears. We have been learning the names for different bears too. Some children chose to make stick puppets of bears and share the facts. Did you know that black bears can run as fast as 35 mph, as fast as a car!

Mrs Price


Getting smart

Jack and Sophia have now completed learning all set 1 single sounds and they are reading words.

Rebecca has also learnt the single sounds and she has tried really hard to write her name.

You are all superstars.

Mrs Price


Celebration Of Learning F1/F2

On Wednesday 4th December, at 9:15, we invite all EYFS parents/carers to come along to our celebration of learning! The children will be showing off some of their learning from throughout our expedition, and then presenting chosen charities/care homes with some teddy bears and care packages, that they have raised money to purchase. This will then be followed by a teddy bears picnic with your child, back in classrooms. Nursery afternoon children, you are invited to join us at 9:15 with your grown up’s to celebrate your learning, then come back to school later on for their normal afternoon session. We hope to see lots of you there! All parents must sign in via the office, nursery PM children only to enter via the office with their parents too.



Nursery soft play

On Monday, F1 had their first soft play session in the hall, and absolutely loved it! We had so much fun working together to build towers, developing our gross motor skills and manoeuvring in different ways. Please encourage your child to practise putting their own socks/tights, and shoes on, as this is the expectation at the end of soft play to develop their independence. Soft play will be every Monday.

Mrs Williams


We are artists

We have been working hard in 4F to create portraits of Henry Moore. So far, we have drawn the outline of the portrait, and will be adding more detail later on in the week. Well done everyone!