Brushing Our Teeth

This week we have been looking at how we can keep our teeth healthy, by brushing them. We have learnt how to brush our teeth properly, and used disclosure tablets at home to see the plaque in our teeth, so we know where we still need to brush. We learnt a song to help remind us how/when to clean our teeth, itā€™s been great to see some children singing this independently during choosing time! I wonder if they can sing it for you at home.

Mrs Williams


Reading Crew Schofield

It was lovely to see members of Crew Schofield engaged with beautiful reading today, it was especially lovely to see the less confident readers being supported by some of our more confident crew members. True crew, you’re all so kind and hardworking!

6B were hot-seating this morning!

6B had to work on their speaking and listening skills today as they took on the role of Ben Parkinson in our hot-seating activity. They built on prior knowledge to answer questions as Ben himself. I was so impressed with the responses!

-Miss Blackham


A fffff fantastic phonics day

We have had a fantastic phonics day in F2BP. We have played lots of games, practiced reading and writing and have had lots of fun.

We also made ourselves into words. Can you guess the words that we made?

Mrs Price


F2 Pride of Plover

A big well done to Charlotte and Abbie who were our Pride of Plover winners today. They have been superstars in their learning and we are so proud of them. They are working hard, being kind and getting smart.

Mrs Price
