Happy Summer Holidays

From all of us at Plover school, we wish you a fantastic summer break with family and friends.

We look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 27th August.

Stay safe and enjoy!


Thank you F2P

I hope you have lovely summer F2P. Thank you for all your hard work and showing kindness to your crew. You really are superstars!

Mrs Price


Silent disco

Yesterday, we enjoyed a silent disco outside on the field.

Forget your troubles and dance!

Red crew bubbles

Red crew winners had a wonderful time playing with bubbles this morning. The bubbles went really high. Some of the children chased the bubbles and some caught them.

Mrs Price


Y2 Faith Day

Everyone in Year 2 worked hard today to learn about Buddhism. The children did a Gallery Walk of images of Buddhism and enjoyed discussing the similarities and differences between Buddhism and the other religions we have looked it. Today they found out about puja, a special ceremony, where Buddhists offer prayers to Buddha to ask for help or request their blessings. The children learned about the importance of a puja plate and the things needed to go on it.

Mrs Lewis


Red Crew Reward

The children from red crews in KS1 had a great afternoon! As the winning Crew for Spring term, they enjoyed a water fight and even though it wasn’t very sunny, their smiles and laughter were enough to brighten the dull day. Congratulations to Crew Lewis and Ketteringham!

Mrs Lewis


Hinduism and Buddhism in 3SG

For our faith day learning, we were first introduced to Hinduism where we learned about the origins of the religion. We recalled our Geographical skills to identify which countries have large populations of this global faith, then completed some reading activities to firm our understanding. We then continued by looking at how Hindu people worship in and out of their homes, comparing the differences.

Later, we were introduced to Buddhism and completed a fact file on what we had learnt about the religion as well as their manners of worship in temples.

Well done all!

Making chocolate crispies

We had lots of fun this afternoon making and eating chocolate crispies. The children remembered what we had learnt about melting and noticed that it quickly turned back to a solid.

Mrs Price
