Today we have taken the tune of two nursery rhymes we know, and created our own song lyrics. We used music to share what we know about how caterpillars grow and change. Here are our performances!
Mrs Williams
Today we have taken the tune of two nursery rhymes we know, and created our own song lyrics. We used music to share what we know about how caterpillars grow and change. Here are our performances!
Mrs Williams
We walked to the woods to look for signs of spring.
We really enjoyed making pancakes today. We really enjoyed eating them too! The chocolate sauce was very drippy!
Mrs Price
Some children had pancakes for breakfast, some children chose pancakes for pudding, we all made and ate pancakes for afternoon snack, and some might have pancakes for tea too. We learnt to make and mix the pancake batter. Then cooked the pancakes and enjoyed fresh orange juice or jam on top! #LovePlover
What a lovely afternoon out in the Spring sunshine! During outdoor provision, all of Crew Meade worked hard to rake, scrape, dig and pull out all the weeds, debris, dead roots and twigs in our planters. Then Crew Price came and helped by planting some daffodils bulbs! We can’t wait to see them grow… #LovePlover
F1 have enjoyed learning about Shrove Tuesday today. We learnt how to make pancakes and most of all, enjoyed eating them. We practised how to use our knife and fork and used lots of mathematical language, such as first/then/next.
Mrs Williams
We decided which media we liked the best and talked about how it made our work beautiful. Look how carefully we have drawn each part. We are really proud of our art work and canāt wait to add all the information to the back and sprinkle some seeds inside to plant at home.
Mrs Bubb modelled how to use the different resources. Then, we had a go at drawing flowers with each of them. We tried paint, oil pastels and felt tip pens. We discussed which we found easiest to use and which we thought looked best on our paper. We then chose which we would use to create our final product.
This week we have been looking at using emotion in our drawing. We practised drawing happy flowers, that grew tall from having lots of sun/water. Then we had a go at drawing sad, droopy looking flowers, that had not had everything they needed to help the, grow.
Mrs Williams
Today we reflected and refined our ideas and created draft artwork for our seed packets. Tomorrow we will make a start on our final products and the children will choose which median will be on their wildflower seed packet! #LovePlovef