Yesterday, year 3 explored places of worship for Hindus and Buddhists. Did you know, that Hindus and Buddhists both take off their shoes before entering their place of worship?
Category : Religious Education
Faith day in 4B
Today, the children have worked hard to learn about two new religions (Hinduism and Buddhism) and their Holy books (the four Vedas and the Tripitaka). It was great to see their enthusiasm and respect for learning about different religions. Well done 4B!
Miss Brown
Y2 Faith Day
Everyone in Year 2 worked hard today to learn about Buddhism. The children did a Gallery Walk of images of Buddhism and enjoyed discussing the similarities and differences between Buddhism and the other religions we have looked it. Today they found out about puja, a special ceremony, where Buddhists offer prayers to Buddha to ask for help or request their blessings. The children learned about the importance of a puja plate and the things needed to go on it.
Mrs Lewis
Hinduism and Buddhism in 3SG
For our faith day learning, we were first introduced to Hinduism where we learned about the origins of the religion. We recalled our Geographical skills to identify which countries have large populations of this global faith, then completed some reading activities to firm our understanding. We then continued by looking at how Hindu people worship in and out of their homes, comparing the differences.
Later, we were introduced to Buddhism and completed a fact file on what we had learnt about the religion as well as their manners of worship in temples.
Well done all!
Faith Day in 4H!
Everyone in 4H has worked so hard today to expand their understanding of different faiths and their Holy Books. Well done everyone. You really have produced some beautiful work to be proud of!
Well done everyone
Mrs Haycock
Y1 Faith Day
Today we learned about the religion of Buddhism! We sequenced the story of Buddha. Then used words to describe the calming influence of Buddha. Did some meditation and completed a Kahoot quiz. #LovePlover

F2 Faith Day
Today, we did some mindful meditation and talked about how it made us feel. Lots of children used the words ācalm, happy, tired, sad, danceyā.
We then watched a video about BUDDHISM. The children talked about The Buddha and how he was enlightened and realised that there was so much suffering in the world but we needed to learn to be happy with what we have got. Buddhists use meditation to help them focus on these things. They celebrate the Buddha on Vesak day. Similar to some of the celebrations we have, they give cards. They also have lanterns to keep the dark away.
We made some lanterns to help us remember about Vesak.
F1 Faith Day – Diwali
Today we have revisited Diwali for our sticky knowledge, as part of faith day. We used cooours and blocks to create rangoli patterns, and looked at our floor book to discuss the diva lamps we made in Autumn term. We also watched a video showing Diwali celebrations.
Miss Wood
Faith Day F1
Today in F1 we have been learning about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. We used our fine motor skills to cut out candles and stick them on the Menorah.
Miss Wood
Faith Day in Y2
In Year 2 today we learned about Judaism. The children found out about the Jewish Sabbath day called the Shabbat. The children enjoyed learning about a new religion and became experts in Jewish prayer at home.