Super writers
During provision this afternoon some children chose to write about a bear. I was very impressed with their writing and how they used Fred fingers.
Mrs Price
Learning about bears
Today we learnt facts about bears. We have been learning the names for different bears too. Some children chose to make stick puppets of bears and share the facts. Did you know that black bears can run as fast as 35 mph, as fast as a car!
Mrs Price
Tommy’s Trying
Well done to Tommy who has learnt some more phonics sounds and is trying really hard. Keep it up! #LovePlover
Getting smart
Jack and Sophia have now completed learning all set 1 single sounds and they are reading words.
Rebecca has also learnt the single sounds and she has tried really hard to write her name.
You are all superstars.
Mrs Price
Working on Control in PE
As bears of course, we were using our HEAD to think about how to use throwing and catching. We used our HAND to use our hands to control equipment. We used our HEART to be kind and play fairly. #LovePlover
Snowflake Crafts
The snow and the polar bear pictures inspired the children to want to make paper snow flakes. Lots of fine motor skills used to fold and snip. #LovePlover
Snowball Fun!
What a beautiful morning it was, so idyllic and picturesque. It was the perfect snow day! No icy paths, no sludge on the roads, just glistening white snow sitting softly on the grass and floating on the trees. So we went outside and had a massive snowball fight… the children vs Mr Meade. I wonder who won? Then we built a tiny crew snow bear. Brrrrrriliant! #LovePlover
Thanks Boggledy Books!
Pudsey party
F2 celebrated Children in Need with a Pudsey party. They used their gross motor skills to play games and had lots of fun!
Mrs Price and Mr Meade