After our special Remembrance assembly, Mr Chandler very kindly spent time with KS1 sharing his expertise about learning and playing the cornet! #LovePlover
After our special Remembrance assembly, Mr Chandler very kindly spent time with KS1 sharing his expertise about learning and playing the cornet! #LovePlover
Today we used glow sticks to do a range of large and small movements, pretending to be fireworks. We practised going slow, fast, high and low.
Miss Wood
We found the pulse and learned the words. We had lots of fun learning music together.
So proud of our Current year 6’s (and 7’s!) who engaged in the mining Expediton last year. They worked so hard and showed great activism by raising money for Markham main mining memorial. Please do take a look at their learning journey!!
-Miss Blackham
This morning we have been practising songs ready for our Harvest Festival this afternoon. Sylas did some beautiful singing and signing, I am so pleased with you keep it up or this afternoon
Miss Wood
Today we did our first music lesson. The children moved to the beat and found the pulse. Then they learned the song and sang in time to the music. It was lovely, vibrant and musical in F2 today!
Year 5 and 6 have had a music expert in today.
In expedition today the children practiced playing djembes. They used their hands to create a rhythm and keep the beat. They played enthusiastically too!
Mrs Price