Monday 13th July maths learning

Good morning, here is your maths learning for today. If you need any support please contact [email protected]

TGB: telling the time to the hour. 


Use the symbols <, > or = to make these statements true.

54    21

47    45

20    20 

63    79

88    89

100   99

Here is a video to help you with today’s learning. 

Here are some questions for you to have a go at.

Match the times to the clocks


Here are some questions for you to have a go at.

Complete the times.

The time is _____ o’clock.


The time is _____ o’clock.

Here are some questions for you to have a go at.

Practise on a clock making these times. 

Eight o’clock

Ten o’clock

4 o’clock

Twelve o’clock

1 o’clock

If you can’t access a clock here is a link to a clock that you can change the time on.

Here are some questions for you to have a go at.

Think about your day. What time do you do the following activities?

Wake up- 

Eat lunch- 


Eat tea- 

Watch Tv- 

Go to bed-

Here are some questions for you to have a go at.

Miss Lister has matched the clocks to the times. Is she correct? Can you mark her work?


Miss Topliss is reading the time. She thinks the clock shows 3 o’clock. 

Is she correct?

What mistake has she made?


Miss Lotysz thinks

Is Miss Lotysz correct?

Explain your reasoning.

Here is a game for you to play once you have completed your learning.

Don’t forget to share any pictures of your learning with me, you never know they might appear on the blog. Check back at 3pm for the answers to today’s questions. 

Friday 10th July maths answers

Here are the answers to today’s maths questions. Let me know how you got on

TGB: counting coins

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Use or draw coins to show the given amounts. 

10p in 5p coins. 2 5p coins

50p in 5p coins. 10 5p coins

50p in 10p coins. 5 10p coins

40p in 5p coins 8 5p coins

60p in 20p coins 3 20p coins

£1 in 50p coins 2 £1 coins 

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Can you add these amounts together?

1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p = 7p

2p + 2p + 2p + 2p = 8p

5p + 5p + 5p + 5p + 5p = 25p

10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p = 80p

20p + 20p + 20p + 20p = 80p

2p + 2p + 1p = 5p

5p + 5p + 10p = 20p

£1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 = £8

£2 + £2 + £2 + £2 = £8

£2 + £1 = £3


Miss Lister’s piggy bank is full of two pence pieces, five pence pieces and ten pence pieces. 

Using one type of coin at a time how can he make 30p?

How many 2p will she need? 15 2p coins

How many 5p will she need? 6 5p coins

How many 10p will she need? 3 10p coins 


Miss Topliss has 2 silver coins. Miss Topliss has 2 5p coins. 

Miss Lister has 5 bronze coins. Miss Lister has five 2p coins. 

Miss Lotysz has 1 silver coin. Miss Lotysz has one 10p coin. 

They all have the same amount of money. Which coins do they each have?

Collect or draw the coins to prove it.

Don’t forget to let share any pictures of your maths learning with me, you never know they might feature on the blog.

Pride of Plover

My Pride of Plover Yellow T-shirt winner this week is…

Syler-Rose for working super hard at school.

Well done Syler-Rose!

Friday 10th July

Good morning Key Stage One. Today I thought we could have a look at a lovely animation of a beautiful picture book. I know this is one you all love…Owl Babies!


Today there are a few tasks to choose from.

-Could you make a lost poster for the owl?

-Could you write a letter to the baby owls telling them that they do not need to worry. Perhaps you could share something that you feel a bit worried about with the baby owls?

– Could you read the story and describe the personalities of each of the baby owls? How do we know what each owl baby is like?

– Could you describe the wood where the owls live. How is it different at day time and night time?

– Could you write a note from the owls’ mum telling them not to worry while she has gone?

Whatever you choose, please remember to email [email protected] with your work!


Friday 10th July maths learning

Good morning, here is your maths learning for today. If you need any help please contact [email protected]

TGB: counting coins


Here is a game to get you started with your maths learning today

Here is a video to help you with today’s learning. 

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Use or draw coins to show the given amounts. 

10p in 5p coins. 

50p in 5p coins. 

50p in 10p coins. 

40p in 5p coins

60p in 20p coins

£1 in 50p coins

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Can you add these amounts together?

1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p + 1p =

2p + 2p + 2p + 2p =

5p + 5p + 5p + 5p + 5p =

10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 10p =

20p + 20p + 20p + 20p =

2p + 2p + 1p =

5p + 5p + 10p =

£1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 + £1 =

£2 + £2 + £2 + £2 =

£2 + £1 =


Miss Lister’s piggy bank is full of two pence pieces, five pence pieces and ten pence pieces. 

Using one type of coin at a time how can he make 30p?

How many 2p will she need?

How many 5p will she need?

How many 10p will she need?


Miss Topliss has 2 silver coins.

Miss Lister has 5 bronze coins.

Miss Lotysz has 1 silver coin.

They all have the same amount of money. Which coins do they each have?

Collect or draw the coins to prove it.

Don’t forget to let share any pictures of your maths learning with me, you never know they might feature on the blog. Check back at 3pm for today’s answers.

Thursday 9th July maths answers

Here are the answers for today’s maths learning. Let me know how you got on.

TGB: recognising notes.

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

What is the value of each note?

  1. £5
  2. £10
  3. £20

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

One £10 note = two £5 notes

One £20 note = two £10 notes.

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Use the symbols <,> or = to makes these statements correct.











Miss Lister thinks all notes are the same colour.


Is she correct? No they are all different colours. 


Which is the odd one out?

£5, £20, £10, £7

Why? £7, because there isn’t a £7 note. 


Who is correct?

Explain your reasoning. 

They both got the same amount.

 Extra Challenge

Miss Lister says

Miss Topliss says

How much money could they have?


How many different ways can you think of?

Share your different answers with me.

Did you know…?

Until 2016 £5 notes looked different to how they look today.

Until 2018 £10 notes looked different to how they look today. 

Until February 2020 £20 notes looked different to how they look today.


Can you design your own bank note? Who would you have on the front of your bank note? 

How much would your note be worth? 

Don’t forget to share your maths learning with me, you never know it might feature on the blog.

Thursday 9th July

Good morning Key Stage One.

Today we are going to look at this film as I simply loved it and had to show you!

There is a small bit of the film that might seem a little bit scary but if you watch to the end, I promise everything and everyone is ok. We think it might make you laugh at the end!

The film shows a girl imagining the water in the washing machine to be the sea and her jeans were a shark! I loved how clever this clip was!

Your task today is to draw or write your own imaginary world, made of something that might be true! For example, perhaps you might think about the sky being a big swimming pool? Or perhaps a cardboard tube turning into a great big slide? Perhaps you can be creative with the things you might see in your fantasy world. Did you spot the rocks which were really washing baskets and the fish were socks?

I am sure you will have fantastic ideas with this. Remember to email them over to [email protected]

Thursday 9th July maths learning

Good morning, here is your maths learning for today. If you need any support with your learning today please email [email protected]

TGB: recognising notes.


I would like you to spend ten minutes of TT rockstars. 

Here is the link to TT rockstars.

Here is a timer to set for ten minutes.

Enjoy 🙂

Here is a video to help you with today’s learning. 

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

What is the value of each note?

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Use the symbols <,> or = to makes these statements correct.


Miss Lister thinks all notes are the same colour.


Is she correct?

Prove it.


Which is the odd one out?

£5, £20, £10, £7



Who is correct?

Explain your reasoning. 

 Extra Challenge

Miss Lister says

Miss Topliss says

How much money could they have?


How many different ways can you think of?

Did you know…?

Until 2016 £5 notes looked different to how they look today.

Until 2018 £10 notes looked different to how they look today. 

Until February 2020 £20 notes looked different to how they look today.


Can you design your own bank note? Who would you have on the front of your bank note? 

How much would your note be worth? 

Don’t forget to share your maths learning with me, you never know it might feature on the blog. Check back at 3pm for the answers to today’s learning. 

Wednesday 8th July maths answers

Here are the answers to today’s maths questions. Let me know how you got on.

TGB: recognising coins


What is one more than 54? 55

What is one more than 23? 24

What is one more than 98? 99

What is one less than 74? 73

What is one less than 66? 65

What is one less than 1? 0

Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

What are the values of these coins? 

From top to bottom.









Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

Use the symbols <,> or = to makes these statements correct.




Here are some questions for you to have a go at. 

How many?

There are 4 1p coins.

There are 4 2p coins.

There are 3 5p coins.

There are 5 50p coins.

There are 6 £1 coins.

There is 1 £2 coin.


Miss Lister thinks all coins are round. 

Is she correct? 

Prove it.

She is incorrect 20p, 50p and £1 are not round.


Which is the odd one out?

20p, 12p, 50p, 10p. 


Why? 12p because there isn’t a 12p coin. 


The tooth fairy left some money for two children. 

Jack has 50p. Mo has £1. 

Jack thinks he has more money because his coin is physically bigger. 

Explain why Jack is wrong. 

Jack is wrong because £1 is worth more than 50p.


Miss Lister says

Miss Topliss says

Which coins do they each have? Is there more than one possibility? 

Miss Lister could have £1, 1p or a 2p coin.

Miss Topliss could have 5p or 10p.


Can you describe a coin for your class friends to guess? 

Post it in the classroom to see if they can guess. 

Here is a game for you to have a go at once you have completed your learning.

Please choose sorting of coins. 

Don’t forget to send pictures of your learning, you never know they might feature on the blog.