So proud of this lovely lot who produced more awesome maths home learning this weekend! I have given over 60 tickets out today for our prize draw to the amazing uptake of booster sessions! Keep it up you superstars!
-Miss Blackham
So proud of this lovely lot who produced more awesome maths home learning this weekend! I have given over 60 tickets out today for our prize draw to the amazing uptake of booster sessions! Keep it up you superstars!
-Miss Blackham
Active Maths and Science! Well done Alfie for being a super reader in phonics! #LovePlover
Our home learning challenge is well underway in Year 6! I am so impressed with the amount of home learning that has been produced this week. It has filled my wall! Our focus for home learning this week has been adding fractions and they have all absolutely smashed it!
So proud of you all!
-Miss Blackham
As part of hook week we linked our PE lessons to under the sea. We played different teams games like shark attack! In Maths we started exploring place value within 20. #LovePlover
Year 6 smashed leading their own learning this afternoon. They completed an arithmetic test and then identified their areas of development and worked on these this afternoon. They then presented their learning to everyone to show what they had achieved. We used the protocol gist of five to show How our confidence had grown over the course of the session. I am so impressed with everyone!
-Miss Blackham
How would you make a repeating pattern? We have been making repeating patterns in different ways.
Mrs Price
After blowing our socks off in their maths assessments, the children have been learning how to measure in centimetres. They learned how to use a ruler, and what a centimetre is and also helped Tiny the Turtle to correct his mistakes.
Today, the children have been building their knowledge of measurements. We have been investigating how to measure using objects and how to ensure we can compare measurements fairly.
Mastering number – we noticed number patterns of one more and one less. We used cubes to measure and compare different lengths. We practised counting using Move & Learn activities. #LovePlover
In Maths we’ve been sorting and making patterns, moving our bodies to show our answers. In PE we’ve been working hard and playing fun team games. #LovePlover