Maths Superstars

Well done to these four children who have impressed me so much in Maths this week. These children have challenged themselves and done some wonderful Place Value problem solving!

Mrs Lewis


Repeating Patterns

We have been mathematicians this week, learning how to do repeating patterns! Shoutouts to Astral, Lucas, Thomas, Freyah, Kara and Carter, that have chose to extend and create their own during provision.

Mrs Williams


Explore 4

In maths today and yesterday, the children have been exploring the number four. Using our subitising skills, counting skills and matching skills. It was great to see so many children in provision use, find and make four in different ways and shapes. Abbie said “2 and 2 makes 4 it is a square. 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 makes 4. It is a line”. Shout out to Kira who made a tower of 20 and counted all the cubes! #LovePlover

Amazing maths in F2BP

The children explored the number four today. They led their own learning and showed that they understand the different ways four can be made using cubes, toys, drawing, even body shapes! Lots of children got postcards today!

6B are marvellous mathematicians

6B have worked so hard during their maths lesson. They are squared and cubed number experts! Ask your children to explain what a squared number and what a cubed number is. Keep working hard 6B- you superstars!

-Miss Blackham


We are getting smart!

Year three have tried really hard to get smart in all Maths lessons by listening to instructions and following them carefully. The children have been checking in with a coach if they felt they needed a little more help or just knuckling down and cracking on alone if they felt the confidence to do so.

What a fantastic group of mathematicians!

Mrs Haycock


Making 2 and 3 in Maths

On Monday we explored the number 2. We noticed one and one more makes two. Children were able to subitise 2 quickly and make groups of 2. Yesterday and today we explored the number 3. Children noticed 1 and 1 and 1 makes 3, but also 2 and 1 makes 3. Children were speedy at subitising 3 and then they enjoyed going outside to make a collection of 3. #LovePlover

Leading our own learning in 6B!

These superstars have been smashing it and I am so, so proud of them! They have been using additional maths resources and videos on our Year 6 maths site to lead their own learning this week. They have been working hard to reflect on their own learning and identify their next steps to ensure they are secure.

Keep it up you lovely lot!

-Miss Blackham
