Hotseating Earthquake Survivors

We have been using our imagination and role play skills this week in preparation for our final write. To prepare for writing a newspaper report about the earthquake in Turkey and Syria earlier this year, we have been hot seating as earthquake survivors. To do this, we have had to imagine being a survivor and what experiences and feelings they might have had. We have also had think of questions that we might want to ask.

I am very proud of how everyone has worked this week, it has been a serious topic to discuss and they have been thoughtful and respectful throughout.

Well done 4G.

Mrs Graves


1M Weather Reports

Children enjoyed learning about the different types of weather we experience in and around the UK. They then created their own weather maps collaboratively and presented the forecast! (purposely using different names 🙂

Fingers crossed we have a sunny weekend here in Doncaster! #LovePlover

Climate emergency

Today in crew we were thinking about climate emergency and what that means. The children worked together to decide which things were caring things for our planet and which things were uncaring. The children then made pledges of what they are going to do over the coming week to help make our world a better place.

Mrs Price
