We have had lots of fun in soft play, learning how to move, balance and jump in different ways. We have been working on a range of different equipment at different levels to enhance our gross motors.
Mrs Williams
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We have had lots of fun in soft play, learning how to move, balance and jump in different ways. We have been working on a range of different equipment at different levels to enhance our gross motors.
Mrs Williams
Please click the link below to register for the Easter Sports camp, which is happening at Plover Primary School on Monday 31st March til Thursday 3rd April 9am-1pm.
Thank you to everyone’s donations towards the Comic Relief Penny Trail. The children helped to stretch the Penny Trail into the KS1 playground. We had a great day in our red clothes!
Mrs Lewis
Thank you to all our parents that donated to Red Nose Day today, and made the effort to dress their child in red. The children have enjoyed creating a whole school penny trail and doing lots of Red Nose Day activities.
Mrs Williams
Year 6 have done a smashing job at supporting our younger children complete the penny trail. So proud of them!
-Miss Blackham
WOW! What a seriously long penny trail going around the perimeter of Plover. Thank you to the children in our class who raised and added lots of pennies as part of our comic relief challenge! #LovePlover
Here’s a selection of beautiful work from across the XP Trust from this week. To read about other stories from across the XP Trust, visit xptrust.org.
E29’s Wise Wednesdays @ XP East
Crew Shakespeare Sporting Stars @ XP Gateshead
Thank you to all the grown ups that came to support our celebration of learning this morning. The children enjoyed sharing their learning and singing with the adults, before shattering some wild flower seeds outside. For our final product, the children got to take home their own packet of seeds, that they decorated themselves.
Mrs Williams
We had great fun yesterday afternoon, making the most of the sunshine! We went outside to practise our fine motor skills, using chalk to draw caterpillars and butterflies. We then created a hop scotch to practise our gross motor skills.
Mrs Williams