Year 6 spellings for next week

Next week we will be looking at words that end with the suffixes -tial and -cial. Watch the video below to remind yourself of the spelling rule. Here are our list of focus words.

essential    potential   confidential   torrential   initial

special     artificial     crucial     racial      beneficial

-Miss Blackham


Fun Phonics Dress Up Day

It was b-b-b brilliant to see the children dressed up as the different phonics flash card sounds. We have had so much fun play and learning lots of different phonics games. #LovePlover

Iron Man Workshop

On Tuesday, we were thrilled to have Phil Sheppard from the National Literacy Trust and Doncaster Stories deliver a workshop about the Iron Man, to support the reading we have been doing.

Phil guided us through how to draw the Iron Man, using some of the techniques book illustrator Chris Mould used when illustrating the book, the Iron Man.

We were very proud of the result!

We are looking forward to working with Phil again on World Book Day.

Mrs Graves


Expert visitor workshop with Phil Sheppard

Everyone absolutely loved our expert visitor, Phil Sheppard, who came to school to tell us more about our key text: The Iron Man, written by Ted Hughes. Not only did we learn more about the author and the book, but we were also told about The Mexborough Iron Man Trail. This wasnā€™t allā€¦he also taught us all how to drawn our own Iron Man. We are so proud of the beautiful work we produced!

Whoā€™d have thought itā€™d be so easy to draw The Iron Man? Thank you, Phil, for coming. We all learnt so much and are going to design our own robots using the skills you taught us later this week!

Mrs Haycock


Welcome Back!

It has been brilliant to see all of the children back after the break. They are all energised and excited to get into our new Expedition. This term, we are asking ourselves ‘How can I be the healthiest version of me?’ 2P started by exploring our new English text ‘Supertato’. We used inference skills to predict what the story might be about. We then read the story and created our own superhero masks. In Expedition, we learnt a performance song all about bananas. The video is below for you to enjoy! We can’t wait to do our Bushtucker trial later in the week!


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s Supertato!

In 2L the children loved solving the mystery of what our new text is going to be in English. The children, completed jigsaws and matching activities before they put their inference skills to the test. The children used the front cover of the book and tried to work out who the book might be about, where it was set and what the story might be about. The children enjoyed listening to the story before they made their own superhero masks.

5S Analyse Setting Descriptions

5S are preparing for writing their own setting descriptions by analysing and critiquing a piece of similar text.

I was impressed to see them working collaboratively to identify the features then discuss their reasoning with the class.

I canā€™t wait to see you applying all of these in your own work!

Super writers

During provision this afternoon some children chose to write about a bear. I was very impressed with their writing and how they used Fred fingers.

Mrs Price


Getting smart

Jack and Sophia have now completed learning all set 1 single sounds and they are reading words.

Rebecca has also learnt the single sounds and she has tried really hard to write her name.

You are all superstars.

Mrs Price
