During provision this afternoon some children chose to write about a bear. I was very impressed with their writing and how they used Fred fingers.
Mrs Price
During provision this afternoon some children chose to write about a bear. I was very impressed with their writing and how they used Fred fingers.
Mrs Price
Jack and Sophia have now completed learning all set 1 single sounds and they are reading words.
Rebecca has also learnt the single sounds and she has tried really hard to write her name.
You are all superstars.
Mrs Price
Dictionary use has been a challenge to say the least! However, with regular practise, and a little bit of healthy competition, we are now becoming so much quicker at finding our key Speedy Reading words!
Well done 3H, you’re working so hard!
Mrs Haycock
This week we have been exploring a range of materials, to help us re tell the story of we’re going on a bear hunt. The children then carried this on independently in provision and were fantastic at using props to tell the story!
Mrs Williams
Year 5&6 children were so lucky this morning to have a zoom call with Jacqueline Wilson- a very famous author! She shared her journey into writing and discussed her new book! We can’t wait to purchase it and read it in our reading for pleasure time!
-Miss Blackham
F1 have been storytellers today! We worked together to create a story map of We’re going on a bear hunt, we then used our story map to verbally re tell the story.
Mrs Williams
Today we have snuggled up around a real camp fire, whilst enjoying hot chocolate and biscuits that Mrs Robertson had very kindly made for us on the fire. We read one of our key texts, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, and then this afternoon used outdoor equipment to re tell the story using props. #LovePlover
Today we have snuggled up around a pretend camp fire, that we worked together to build, and enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits. We read one of our key texts, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, and then came back inside to re tell the story using props.
Mrs Williams
We look forward to welcoming Boggledybook Children’s Book shop into school next Thursday. A great opportunity to buy great value children’s books at £1, £2 and £3. Children can bring money into school and will visit the book shop throughout the day.
Mrs Graves
A huge thank you to all of the parents/carers that came along to support us on our Austerfield visit yesterday, the children had a great day. We had great fun going on a bear hunt, and making porridge for Goldilocks and the three bears.