We are so proud to have been awarded the school of kindness award by 52 lives. We will display this with pride in our school!
-Miss Blackham
We are so proud to have been awarded the school of kindness award by 52 lives. We will display this with pride in our school!
-Miss Blackham
The children from red crews in KS1 had a great afternoon! As the winning Crew for Spring term, they enjoyed a water fight and even though it wasn’t very sunny, their smiles and laughter were enough to brighten the dull day. Congratulations to Crew Lewis and Ketteringham!
Mrs Lewis
Please note that ALL crews will have experienced a treat for winning the most crew coins this year. Blue crew had the opportunity to spend time on the giant inflatables when they won in the autumn, red crew have won a water fight due to their win in the spring (as our winners win their treat the term after.) Yellow crew have won a prize to be announced shortly as they are the summer winners.
Children in red crew will need a towel, a spare pair of clothes and a bottle to fill with water.
-Miss Blackham
In crew, our UKS2 children have been enjoying reading their books outside with their friends. They discussed which books they have read this week. They shared the author of the books, the genre and a summary of the texts so far. The children then each made a pledge to read a recommend text next. We have been able to build on our ‘texts we have read’ displays and we have nearly met our class targets!
We love to read in UKS2! 🙂
-Miss Blackham
Over the last week, we have been learning about staying safe in the sun. We made posters to remind everyone about wearing sun-hats, finding shade, applying suncream and drinking plenty when it is hot and sunny. We critiqued our posters to check we shared the safety message.
In crew today we were working on getting better at helping each other. We had to work together to complete the race. We had lots of fun and talked about how we had taken turns, shared, didn’t push and had helped each other.
Well done everyone
Mrs Price
This Tuesday’s Snuggle and Story was lovely. We had some of our lovely parents coming to share books and snuggles with their children. We all picked a new book to take home. We talked about our British Value of ‘Liberty’ and how we get lots of choices in school. Some children decided to draw their favourite book too. We love reading in F2!
Year 2 were kindly invited to the Deaf School to support us with our learning for our Expedition. We were introduced to some of the children at the school and then we had to use their signing names to see if we could work out something about their personality. We did really well! Then we used some of the signs we had already learnt in school, along with some new ones, to play colour bingo. We had to focus hard because there weren’t any audio prompts. We had to watch and pay attention! Our last activity was learning to finger spell simple words and then to use the sign for that object. We have just started learning this in school so it was brilliant to get a chance to practice it!
We all had a brilliant time and learnt a lot. We all said thank you to the Deaf School for hosting us.
Year 6 are determined to fill our reading dismay with as many books as possible. In time to read crew we decided to take our books outside! They had so much fun discussing their books!
-Miss Blackham
The children teamed up to compete in Commando Joe games this afternoon. Well done year 5/6 you showed some great team spirit.