FREE Monday Community Football Sessions @ Plover

From Monday 20th January 2025 for Spring Term, Plover Primary School will be opening up their facilities to the community for children from 5-13 years old, to take part in some FREE football sessions 4.45pm-5.45pm.

Please complete the form below to register your interest and we will be in touch to confirm your place. Please note, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Parents can drop off and pick up children from Plover schoolā€™s main reception ā€“ via Coniston Road.

Thank you–Sgwk9ffnNtSA/viewform?usp=header

FREE Friday Community Dance Lessons @ Plover

From Friday 10th January 2025 for 5 weeks, Plover Primary School will be opening up their facilities to the community for children from 5-13 years old, to take part in some FREE dance lessons 4.45pm-5.45pm.

Please complete the form below to register your interest and we will be in touch to confirm your place. Please note, places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Parents can drop off and pick up children from Plover school’s main reception – via Coniston Road.

Thank you

LKS2 Dress Up as a Robot Day & Family Learning

We invite children in Year and 4 to come to school dressed as a robot on Monday 6th January to launch our spring expedition.

Please don’t go to any expense – homemade is great.

As part of the day, we will be watching the film Robots which is PG rated. Please inform your child’s class teacher if you do not consent to your child watching this film.

We will be needing cardboard boxes and tin cans to help with our activities in the first week and would be grateful if you could send them into school at the start of the week.

On Friday 10th January, we will be having our ‘Create-a-Robot’ Family Learning event and would love it if you could join us in school at 2pm.

Please see our home-learning task sheet attached.

We look forward to seeing you in the New Year

The LKS2 Crew
