The Deep!

We had a great visit to The Deep on Friday. I was super impressed with all the children’s polite manners and engagement. We were fascinated by all the beautiful animals and their habitats. We were fortunate enough to take part in a workshop entitled: “Caring for our Oceans”. It fits in perfectly with out expedition and follows the story of a killer whale called Kal who travels across the worlds oceans to try and find some help for some friends in need. We were able to explore the effects of plastic in the ocean, the animals that live in our Oceans and what we can do to help take care of our planet. Take a look at some of the photos and visits from our incredible day!


Children Exploring Freckle

After children completed their maths entry tickets today they logged onto their maths Freckle accounts to explore the learning games and tasks they can access at home.
Details for logins will be sent out tomorrow for Freckle and Reading Eggs. #LovePlover

1M @ The Deep

We have all had a brilliant time exploring, researching and experimenting all the different marine life today at The Deep!

Check out all the pictures and videos of the superb day below.

Thank you to all parents, staff and Crew at the Deep for their continued support! #LovePlover

Critiquing Writing

Children wrote some facts about what they have learnt about animals in the sea this week. They then read and shared their writing before sharing critique. #LovePlover

Fab Home Learning Casey

Check out this fish house that Casey has made at home. This links directly to our expedition science study about animals, the sea and habitats.   Then today in expedition our children worked collaboratively to identify animals by their characteristics ! #LovePlove

Enjoying Expedition and Multiplying in Maths

The children have enjoyed being detectives, researching the characteristics of animals and animal groups.

Then they created arrays from multiplication equations.

Great to see smiling faces and supportive working partnerships.



Plover Praise Postcard

Lena has worked super hard today, she has worked independently and conscientiously in English and Expedition.  What was even more impressive was that she pushed herself and achieved green standard in Maths.  What a superstar 🌟


“Don’t Give Up”

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit to school everyday where possible. Please also read with your child for a minimum of 5 minutes everyday. I can tell which children have been reading as I have seen amazing progress in their reading AND writing skills! Make sure you keep a record of reading in our new reading records, it would be super helpful if you could jot down how many minutes too.

Well done to those of you who are doing lots of learning at home it really does make a huge difference, I will be making sure to send out homework once a week and will be giving crew coins to those who complete it!

Amazing day again today 2B. I’ve heard lots of children telling each other to ‘not give up’ and that’s exactly the attitude we strive for here at Plover, keep it up!

Miss Barker
