Pride of Plover in Y1

Congratulations to Ralph in 1M for winning this weeks yellow T-shirt. He has worked so hard in his phonics and writing this week! He has been coming to school every day and trying his best!

Congratulations to Daisy in 1M who also won the yellow T-shirt for always trying her best and producing some fantastic writing in her final write!


Awesome Almina and Creative Charlie

Wonderful work produced by both children in expedition and literacy labs today!

Almina used her phonics mat, word mat, alphabet strip and toy animals to help write an independent sentence.

Charlie used his imagination and craft to create a clam shell using playdoh and a pencil to make the grooves.


Wonderful Home Learning!

When I walked into my classroom this morning I was blown away by Lena’s home learning! I can’t believe how hard you are all working outside of school. Thank-you to Gabriel who also made fish out of bottle tops and a jellyfish! I have stuck him on our case study 1 board. I was super proud last week with how many of you completed the tests we sent out as homework. Some of you went home and completed it that very night! This will help you to become more confident answering “test style” questions for your SATs at the end of the year. There will be 10 crew coins to everyone who completes the homework!

Keep up the good work 2B.


More Amazing Home Learning

The home learning for expedition keeps coming in. It’s great to see so many people getting creative at home, thank you to our parents for encouraging and helping your child create these works of art.

Final Write and Literacy Labs

Today Y1 started their final write which is a non-chronological report about animals, with a focus on marine animals. Some of the reports they have produced already are wonderful! The children also enjoyed our new literacy labs where they sorted animals by what they eat, engineered their own food chains, painted an under the sea scene, created their own play doh sea animals and practised their phonics.

It’s time to…

The class have been learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. They worked really well and supported each other. Super collaboration!

Home Learning from Hasty

Check out how busy Hasty was over the weekend with this marvellous home learning. In Hasty’s words “the jellyfish are happy swimming in the clean oceans. The little fishes are swimming through the corals. This fish is dead because of the plastic”.

Awesome work and this shows how immersed Hasty is into our current expedition – How will what I do today, impact the world tomorrow? #LovePlover