Year 1 Updates on Home learning

Hi KS1 grown ups,

Just a reminder following on from last weeks paper slip.

  • Phonics reading books and plastic book bags to be read and brought in daily.
  • Boggledy book and cotton beige bags to be brought in every TUESDAY – to read for pleasure as an aspirational book.
  • 12 high frequency word spellings have been given out today for children to practise everyday as there will be a little test on Friday.
  • Literacy and Maths work sheets will be given on a Wednesday and Thursday. These are to be returned on a Friday.
  • Freckle and Reading Eggs are fantastic online platforms to develop fundamental skills and we will be monitoring time spent on these šŸ™‚

Prizes and rewards will be awarded to children who are completing these tasks!

All of the above are to support your child’s education at home, along with the learning they do every day in school which their reports shared last week in the pledges section.

Thank you for your continued support! #LovePlover

Whiparound on Habitats

Today in expedition children learnt about a variety of habitats and the animals that live in them to survive. Check out the children’s drawings and explanations below: #LovePlover

Home Learning

Fantastic work from Casey who has created this artistic under the sea collageā€¦ using recycled materials to help save our oceans! More children fully immersed into our current expedition and wanting to continue their studies! #LovePlover

Pride of Plover in Y1

Congratulations to Ralph in 1M for winning this weeks yellow T-shirt. He has worked so hard in his phonics and writing this week! He has been coming to school every day and trying his best!

Congratulations to Daisy in 1M who also won the yellow T-shirt for always trying her best and producing some fantastic writing in her final write!


Awesome Almina and Creative Charlie

Wonderful work produced by both children in expedition and literacy labs today!

Almina used her phonics mat, word mat, alphabet strip and toy animals to help write an independent sentence.

Charlie used his imagination and craft to create a clam shell using playdoh and a pencil to make the grooves.


Final Write and Literacy Labs

Today Y1 started their final write which is a non-chronological report about animals, with a focus on marine animals. Some of the reports they have produced already are wonderful! The children also enjoyed our new literacy labs where they sorted animals by what they eat, engineered their own food chains, painted an under the sea scene, created their own play doh sea animals and practised their phonics.

Home Learning from Hasty

Check out how busy Hasty was over the weekend with this marvellous home learning. In Hasty’s words “the jellyfish are happy swimming in the clean oceans. The little fishes are swimming through the corals. This fish is dead because of the plastic”.

Awesome work and this shows how immersed Hasty is into our current expedition – How will what I do today, impact the world tomorrow? #LovePlover