Good Morning
Can children in Miss Ketteringham’s class 1/2K wear waterproofs for today’s PE please as the weather’s looking rainy and PE will be outside!
12th September 2023Joshua Meade
Good Morning
Can children in Miss Ketteringham’s class 1/2K wear waterproofs for today’s PE please as the weather’s looking rainy and PE will be outside!
3rd September 2023Stuart Longley
PE Days from Tuesday 5th September 2023
1M – Wednesday & Thursday
1LI – Monday & Thursday
1/2 K – Tuesday & Thursday
2P – Tuesday & Thursday
2L – Monday & Tuesday
Please can children wear their PE kits on these
30th August 2023Stuart Longley
Friday 1st September – 13.30 – 14.30
KS1 Sports Day
Children to come in PE kits please.
Wednesday 20th September – 14.45 – 15.15
Phonics workshop – Listening to children read.
Join us for a cup of coffee to find out how to support your children when learning to read.
Friday 29th September – 14.30 – 15.00
KS1 family reading event
Join us for a coffee and to share a book with your child.
Wednesday 11th October – 14.45 – 15.15
Phonics Workshop
Join us to learn about the RWI phonics scheme and how to help your child learn the different sounds and how to apply these to their reading.
Cancelled – Thursday 2nd November – 17.00 – 17.45
Family bedtime reading event
Join us with your child in your pyjamas for a story and a lovely hot chocolate
Wednesday 8th November – 14.00 – 15.00
KS1 Family Learning Session
Join us to enjoy a poppy themed arts and crafts session
Monday 13th November
Odd Sock Sponsored Walk
Friday 1st December – 14.30 – 15.00
KS1 family reading event
Join us for a coffee and to share a book with your child.
Wednesday 6th December 14.00 – 15.00
KS1 Celebration of Learning
Tuesday 19th December – 9.30 or 14.30
KS1 Christmas Show – Further details to follow
29th August 2023Joshua Meade
Hi Plover Crew
Just a reminder Y1,2,3,5,6 children to come in old PE kit/ old light clothes tomorrow and bring £2.50 fundraising money.
Unfortunately, parents/careers can’t take part in this years colour run event!
Children will be dismissed at 3.15pm from the school field… parents/carers could therefore catch the end whilst waiting on Coniston Road for school gates to open at 3.10pm.
Thank you for your cooperation 😄🎨
26th August 2023Stuart Longley
19th July 2023Joshua Meade
Hi Y1
Can children please bring in a big school bag or plastic bags tomorrow please. To take all their beautiful work from this expedition and work books from this year home!
And maybe some treats too 😁🎁 2 more get ups! #LovePlover
14th July 2023Joshua Meade
Can all Y1/2 bring a waterproof coat as it looks like rain for most of the day and they’ll be having PE outside.
Can all Y1/Y2 remember to bring in their reading books and bags, as we are collecting them in before the end of the year.
Thanks all
27th June 2023Stuart Longley
You may be aware from media coverage that the NEU has declared more national strike action which will take place on Wednesday 5th. As a result, the following changes will be necessary relating to the school trips for Key Stage One children.
Tuesday 4th July – ALL Year 1 children will be visiting Sandall Beat Woods.
Wednesday 5th July – ALL Year 2 children will be visiting Sandall Beat Woods.
We will be leaving school at 9 am and aim to be back at school by the end of the day. Children will need to order a school packed lunch or bring one from home. It is essential that all children bring a water bottle with them.
We will be spending most of the day outside, so children will need to wear appropriate and comfortable clothing (wellies, trainers, jumpers, joggers, t-shirt, shorts, sun hat, suncream and water bottle).
Please can we ask that any outstanding payments and consents are completed on the Parentpay platform.
Thank you once again for your support
KS1 Team
26th June 2023Joshua Meade
Hi KS1 Crew
We have once again collated a load of lost property- jumpers, cardigans, jackets and school uniform without names in.
We will be putting these out on the KS1 playground every morning and at hometime this week. Please feel free to look through and take them. 👕🧥👚
Thanks KS1
12th June 2023Joshua Meade
Good Morning KS1 Crew
As much as we love the sunny weather, can we please remind you that children come with:
Thanks all