Seaside food ……..

We compared tasting the sorbet we made from raspberries and fresh orange juice, to the ice cream that we tasted on Tuesday. It was very sour.

We also tasted sweet potato chips, to compare them to normal chips. We could choose to add salt, vinegar or tomato ketchup!

Taking turns

Well done to Corben for taking turns when playing a game. He listened to instructions and followed the rules of the game. Well done Corben.

Mrs Price


Yellow T-shirt

Isla was chosen today for our Pride of Plover. She has worked so hard in reading and writing. She always contributes and she helps her friends with their learning.

We are very proud of you Isla.

Mrs Price


Working hard

An amazing day in F2P. Lots of stickers, crew coins and postcards have been given.

Evanas and Alec had postcards for using their maths knowledge to solve problems. Ruby-Ann had a postcard for being kind and welcoming. She is very helpful.

Amazing learning everyone

Mrs Price


Making ice cream

Today we have made our own ice cream in a bag! We enjoyed shaking the bag and seeing how it made the ingredients change. It was very exciting to taste the ice cream we made ourselves.

Miss Wood


Writing progress

Well done to Riley who has worked very hard in phonics writing and can now write in a line.

We are very proud of you Riley.

Mrs Price
