We are pirates!

As part of our third case study we are learning about characters in stories related to the sea. We had a wonderful time pretending to be pirates today.

The children used a range of equipment to create hats, eye patches, maps, telescopes and a boat.

Mrs Price


Can the pirate get to the treasure?

In maths this week we are learning about doubles. We created a game today to get the pirates to the treasure. The children had to roll a double to move towards the treasure. They took turns and celebrated the winners.

Mrs Price


Beware of the dinosaurs

Some of the children whilst exploring maths equipment today made an enclosure for the dinosaurs. This led to discussions about sorting and pattern as well as counting the number of posts in the fence.

they wrote signs to keep the children away.

Mrs Price


Number bond maths

Well done to Vlad who said he was going to write number bonds in provision today and he did. He enjoyed sharing his learning too.
Mrs Price


Who or what could be in a seaside story?

This morning we looked at different story books to think about characters and objects that we could use for our seaside stories. The children worked together, sharing books and created a list of their ideas.

Mrs Price


New friendships

We had a delightful afternoon forming new friendships with the children from Heatherwood School. The children laughed, sang and played together. We hope to repeat the event soon.

I was really proud of our EYFS children and how kind and thoughtful they were.

Mrs Price


We are artists

Well done to Ivanna and Ines who have extended their own learning during provision today and created some beautiful pictures of the ocean being polluted by rubbish. They took great care in adding detail to their sea creatures.

Miss Wood


Working hard

Mason is working really hard with he is blending and segmenting at the minute, he really is trying his best.

Miss Wood


Challenge to 20

For those children working at green standard their challenge in maths was to investigate number bonds to 20. They used different resources to practice and write equations but were then able to say the number bonds to 20.

Well done to Paisley, Evanas and Alec.

F2P Pride of Plover

Harper was chosen today for challenging herself in her learning. She has completed extra learning in maths, reading and writing with further challenges. She continued to do this even after she got the t-shirt. You have been a superstar this week Harper. Well done.

Mrs Price
