This week our children made dragon wings. We decorated them and then wore them at school. We pretended to be dragons roaring and breathing fire.
We love to celebrate!
In Foundation 1, we love to celebrate with our friends. Last week was Corben’s 4th birthday and this week he has his Plover praise certificate! Well done!
Crew coins in Foundation 1.
In Foundation 1, we have three crew groups, yellow, red and blue. When the children show their amazing learning then they are awarded a crew coin. Well done! #We are crew. #Love Plover.
Pride of Plover!
The children who have been awarded the Pride of Plover yellow T-shirt this week have both been trying hard to speak clearly to the adults in the setting. Well done!!!
Pride of Plover, yellow T-shirts in Foundation 1!
On a Friday, in Foundation 1, one child will be presented with a yellow T-shirt. This will mean that they have had exemplary behaviour and attitude all week. Each week, the child who has been awarded the T-shirt, will wear it Monday to Wednesday on the following week, then hand it back on the Thursday ready for Friday and a new award.
Well done to Mia and Reagan who were awarded the T-shirt last week for their excellent behaviour and how kind they are when looking after others.
Outdoor exploration…..
We have been enjoying lots of new outdoor equipment in the Foundation Stage area.
The dragons are here……..
Our new expedition has the leading question, “Are dragons real?”
We have a dragon costume, knights and princess dressing up clothes, to immerse our children in role play, becoming a character from a story. We have small world toys for the children to pretend, to be a dragon or a knight in a castle.
Are dragons real?
This is the title of our new expedition. Have a look at the ideas that you could do at home.
We look forward to seeing your home learning.
Mrs Price
Blending and Segmenting in Phonics for Foundation 1.
Over the Easter holidays, we would appreciate all of our parents and carers, helping their child to concentrate on oral ( not written) blending and segmenting of the sounds in the alphabet, to make words with your child.
There are some very useful videos on ‘Youtube’ to help you with this.
Firstly, this video will help you to teach your child the ‘sound’ each letter makes, instead of it’s name. So for ‘a’ we say ‘ah’ and not ‘ay’. This link is a good explanation.
Your child does not initially need to be able to write each letter, but if they enjoy letter formation then please concentrate on the letters in their first name. Please write letters, formed as they demonstrate in this video, not capital letters.
Secondly, we are learning to say the initial letter sound in each word. This link explains what your child needs to be able to do. Playing the game, ‘I Spy’, is the best way to encourage your child to say the initial letter sound of an object correctly.
Once your child can say the initial letter sound of a word, we encourage them to blend the sounds together to make the word, so c-a-t is the word cat. This video explains how we teach blending letter sounds, to make words.
The opposite of being able to blend letters together, to make a word, is segmenting. When we segment letter sounds in a word, we say the word cat and we can say it is made up of the separate sounds, c-a-t. This link explains how to teach your child segmenting.
Food glorious food!
In Foundation 1, we have been trying all kinds of delicious food, from ‘Red Nose Day’ baking, to our bear faces made from bread and fruit. Yum!