UKS2 family learning- using our strawberries to create a dessert!

Thank you so much to all of the parents and carers who came to our family learning event this afternoon. It was an amazing turn out!

Our children, parents and carers had the opportunity to use the freshly picked strawberries from yesterday’s fieldwork to make a dessert together. I know the children had so much fun. They are so passionate about the importance of utilising home-grown produce based on prior learning in their autumn Expedition and I know many shared their pledges with their parents today on how they will incorporate this into their every-day lives.

We hope you all enjoyed the tasty treats and we look forward to welcoming you all to our celebration of learning event on the 1st July to reveal our final product and to participate in our phase colour run, whilst raising money to support our children’s mental well-being. We can not wait!

-Miss Blackham


Our case study three fieldwork- strawberry picking!

Today Year 5 & 6 pupils built on their autumn expedition where they learnt about how growing your own produce can help protect our planet and how this links to our current Expedition ‘How can a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind?’ Instead of purchasing strawberries from a shop, they spent the afternoon strawberry picking at a local strawberry field. They will be using the strawberries as part of our family learning event tomorrow. They were so impressed with how fresh all of the strawberries were and have shared that they want to encourage their family and friends to get involved with growing their own fruit and vegetables!

I can’t wait to see the outcome of the healthy desserts tomorrow!

-Miss Blackham



In F2, we have been thinking about characters from the stories we have read. This week, we are thinking about characters for our own seaside adventures. We talked about them and then went to create them using drawings, paintings, models or play dough in provision.

Which character will you choose?

Yesterday we thought about the characters we have read about throughout the expedition. We learnt to sign who and the characters. Today the children chose the character for their story and created it in some way. Have a look at their creations.

Mrs Price


Whatā€™s In Your Bucket?

This week we have started case study 3. We read the story Billyā€™s Bucket, then used our imaginations to decide where our buckets would take us. We had a go at drawing what would be inside our buckets, then some children chose to follow up their own learning by drawing and designing, the outside of their bucket.

Miss Wood


Bird Box Making Expert

Thank you to Dennis, who is an expert in engineering and helped some of our KS1 children build six bird boxes for our final product! Riley and Kayson also added some pretty hanging baskets and signage for our Eco-Garden. #LovePlover

Final Product

We practised drawing our gingerbread men and decided how we wanted to decorate them. We thought carefully about what body parts we needed to draw for our gingerbread man and how we could use the sweets/chocolates as buttons and eyes.

Following our plan, we then decorated our gingerbread men that we baked. We used coloured icing drawn details, and as glue to get the toppings to stick.

Miss Wood
