Creating Faces

The children were able to name all the features on their faces.

What do we use our ears for? Where are our eyes? These were some of the questions children answered and discussed. They then chose in provision to create faces using different materials and medians. #LovePlover

Expert visitor workshop with Phil Sheppard

Everyone absolutely loved our expert visitor, Phil Sheppard, who came to school to tell us more about our key text: The Iron Man, written by Ted Hughes. Not only did we learn more about the author and the book, but we were also told about The Mexborough Iron Man Trail. This wasn’t all…he also taught us all how to drawn our own Iron Man. We are so proud of the beautiful work we produced!

Who’d have thought it’d be so easy to draw The Iron Man? Thank you, Phil, for coming. We all learnt so much and are going to design our own robots using the skills you taught us later this week!

Mrs Haycock


5S are little people with big dreams!

As part of our hook week into historical figures which influenced our lives, we considered the hopes and aspirations we have for ourselves and Doncaster, presenting them in the style of ‘little people, big dreams’.

I have seen some really impressive ideas and can’t wait to see how you all enact those as you grow up!

Mr Schofield.

5S are artists

Year 5 enjoyed developing their sketching skills by using a grid to assist in drawing an outline of our model of courage for this term: Ben Parkinson.

Watch this space for an exciting project which will incorporate the work of every child in year 5 and 6!

Making Christmas Decorations

This week the children have made some festive Christmas decorations for their own Christmas trees! They’ve used their painting skills, cutting skills, glueing skills and creative skills. #LovePlover

5S Cam Toys

Over the past few expedition lessons, 5S have been demonstrating their knowledge of mechanisms by producing a cam toy which causes a planet to rotate.

They had to carefully build a box which symbolised the blackness of space, paint a ball to a planet of their choice, then assemble an intricate cam and follower mechanism inside which converts the motion into a rotation of the planet.

Well done, the finished products look brilliant!

We are Designers

Today the children in 2L completed their first draft of their catapult designs. The children worked hard and had a great first try. I can’t wait to see how their designs progress.

Mrs Lewis


Expert Engineers

Today as part of our expedition, ‘Rags to Riches: What lies Within the Castle Walls?’, the children in KS1 enjoyed meeting our expert Mr Mitchell who taught the children about levers. We have been learning about how castles were defended and attacked and our expert showed the children how to make catapults. The children had great fun launching their payload of pom-poms!

Thank you for coming in to help us Mr Mitchell!
