Year 6 PE

Year 6 had discovered what athletics is all about today. They discussed the meaning of quick reactions and reflexes. They were then tested on their reaction skills with a game to see who could get the cone the fastest to get points. The children then were split into groups of 3 so their running skills could be worked on. One child was the coach, one was timing the runner, and the last running, to which they all took turns. I saw great teamwork being displayed and was super impressed by the enthusiasm shown this morning!

6B are smashing home learning!

Our home learning challenge is well underway in Year 6! I am so impressed with the amount of home learning that has been produced this week. It has filled my wall! Our focus for home learning this week has been adding fractions and they have all absolutely smashed it!

So proud of you all!

-Miss Blackham


Reading for pleasure in Year 6 📚

Yesterday, in our ‘Time to read Tuesday’ crew, Year 6 discussed the names of authors they were familiar with. They decided they wanted to widen the list of names so they made a pledge to read 10 books from authors they have never heard of before by the end of Year 6. They then visited our in school library before sitting down to read. The children were so excited to read for pleasure. Every time a book is completed, we will add the author to our list of authors!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 smashed maths this afternoon!

Year 6 smashed leading their own learning this afternoon. They completed an arithmetic test and then identified their areas of development and worked on these this afternoon. They then presented their learning to everyone to show what they had achieved. We used the protocol gist of five to show How our confidence had grown over the course of the session. I am so impressed with everyone!

-Miss Blackham


Beautiful art work!

We have kick started our art case study and have been focusing on how to create a vanishing point. 6B absolutely smashed their sketching yesterday and produced the most beautiful work! I am so proud! This is really going to help us when creating our final product!

-Miss Blackham


Warm clothes

Please make sure children are wrapped up warm for the trips this week, with sensible shoes. We will be outside walking for approximately 2 hours.

Year 6 Fieldwork

Year 6 started their hook into our new expedition today with a ‘looking up’ walk around our city centre. We looked at significant buildings and the vast history our city has to offer. I’m looking forward to doing the same with the rest of the children.