Year 6 PE

Year 6 has been practicing their athletic skills today. They have been working on improving their long jumps, chest push with a ball, speed jumps and relay race (passing on the baton). I have been super proud of the progress they have made today so they have all achieved 4 in their PE assessment today! Super well done year 6 šŸ™‚


We are historians

6T have worked hard, using their inference skills to order trains in chronological order. They have really impressed me with their excellent ideas and enthusiasm. #LovePlover

We are all connected

A beautiful activity in Crew Topliss this week, inspired by an activity shared on our recent staff day. Crew Topliss learned about how we are all connected, as well as realising that one good deed sends waves of positivity and kindness. This has made such a difference to our HoWLs this week, with the children actively thinking about the good they can do for one another. I am so proud #LovePlover

Our fraction experts took charge of the lesson in 6B today!

Today in maths our fractions unit has come to an end so I challenged 6B to each lead part of todayā€™s lesson to the rest of their group. They consolidated their fractions learning by modelling to their peers how to answer a range of SATs style questions and they smashed it!Future teachers in the making for sure!

-Miss Blackham


Well done 6R

Absolutely smashed maths this week in 6R. I am so proud of their work effort. Theyā€™ve all got a ā€˜4ā€™ for working hard today. Well done !

Theyā€™re loving active maths too

Fantastic fractions!

6B are showing great resilience this week. They are absolutely smashing fractions! I am so proud of them!

-Miss Blackham


Our author of the month- Zanib Mian

Crew Blackham started their time to read crew session by building background knowledge on our author of the month- Zanib Mian. The children discovered lots of interesting facts about her including the various awards she has won. They were particularly interested in reading her collection of books named Planet Omar so we have voted them to be our next crew text!

-Miss Blackham
