Rock Steady!

KS1 were visited by Tim from RockSteady today. He showed us all of the exciting instruments we can learn if we sign up to some music lessons. We drummed along, sang and played our air guitars! We had a great time and even made our own band by the end of the session. We had great fun and we’re really keen to start learning instruments. You never know, we could be having our own performances by the end of the year! Please check out the letter for details!


Year 6 spellings for next week

Next week we will be looking at words that end with the suffixes -tial and -cial. Watch the video below to remind yourself of the spelling rule. Here are our list of focus words.

essential    potential   confidential   torrential   initial

special     artificial     crucial     racial      beneficial

-Miss Blackham


Y6 get ahead in your maths learning!

Next week we will be moving onto ratio. We would love this to be the focus of your home learning this weekend as this will really support you in our learning next week. Crew coins will be awarded to everybody who completes some.

-Miss Blackham


Our expert community visitor!

As part of developing our wider community crew, Laura from Doncaster Council came to launch an exciting project with our Year 6 pupils with the intention to make Doncaster a better place. They were so enthusiastic when sharing their ideas and articulating why their community is important to them. I canā€™t wait to see what comes of this exciting opportunity!

-Miss Blackham


UKS2 have been building their phase crew!

On our motivation Monday crew, Year & 6 children have been going head to head against other crews in a range of team building activities. This week, the children had to see how many baskets they could score in five minutes as a crew. I am so pleased to announce Crew Blackham were the overall winners!

I was so proud of the great sportsmanship I saw during this crew activity. We canā€™t wait to see what next week brings!

-Miss Blackham


We are performers

Year 6 have been practising their hot seating skills to help develop their final write of a biography on Ben Parkinson. They came up with some questions they would ask Ben if they were to interview him and then took on the role of Ben himself.

We are mathematicians

We have been working really hard to become fraction experts. We have gathered the knowledge we learnt from the previous half term and have started applying it to problems.

Basketball Stars!

Some amazing team players from years 5 and 6 attended a basketball tournament for eight Doncaster primary schools.

We made it to the semi-finals through some careful passing and defence, building on the feedback from coach and team-mates on the bench. It was amazing to see how your game improved as you took onboard the suggestions from our team talks. Furthermore, you represented the school and our HoWLs marvellously and it was a pleasure to take you to the event. We are so proud of you!

Mr Schofield.