It’s nearly sportsday!

3GS have been practicing for our upcoming sportsday. We hope that lots of you will be able to come and join the fun on Friday at 9:30.

Mrs Shuka


Year 3 and 4 Field Trip next week

Just a reminder that Year 4 are visiting the Danum Museum and Art Gallery on Tuesday 5th September to take part in a Roman Workshop and will be taking part in a Roman Experience Workshop in school on Friday 8th September.

Year 3 are taking part in the Roman Experience workshop IN SCHOOL on Thursday 7th September and will be visiting the Danum Museum and Art Gallery to take part in a Roman Workshop on Friday 8th September.

The cost for both activities is £14.

Unfortunately, we are unable to fund the activities as a school, and if we do not have enough payments we will have to cancel the trip.

Please speak to your class teacher or Mrs Graves asap if there are any difficulties with this payment, as we would like every child to be able to go on the trip.

Mrs Graves


Year 3 PE

Year 3 will be doing PE every Wednesday. Children can come to school in their PE kits, as we want to ensure the maximum amount of time possible taking part in the lesson.

Mrs Graves


Creative creatures

3GS have had a very creative morning, painting rocks to look like colourful bugs and creepy crawlies ready to take to the woods tomorrow. Please make sure you have returned your letter or ask for one to sign in the morning so that we can all take part in tomorrow’s visit to Sandal Beat.

Mrs Shuka


First day back in 3F!

What a great way to kick off the year! 3F made some positive affirmation posters, learnt how to cross stitch and played lots of ice breaker games.

LKS2 Roman Hook Week

On Monday 4th September, LKS2 will be having their Roman Quest Day to launch the new expedition. Children are invited to come to school dressed as a Roman (or a Celt) to help immerse into the day.

On Wednesday 6th September, we would love our families to join us in the afternoon at 2pm for our Family Learning as we find out more about our school community and complete a giant collaborative piece of artwork.

Mrs Graves


Year 3 Sandall Beat Wood Field trip

Please see the letter attached for the visit to Sandall Beat Woods on Thursday 31st August. This will take place between 9:30 and 12pm, so packed lunches will not be needed.

Parents are welcome to join us, please let your class teacher know that you are coming.

Please ensure you have completed the permission slip – more available from your class teacher.

Mrs Graves


Colour Fun Run info

Hi Plover Crew

Just a reminder Y1,2,3,5,6 children to come in old PE kit/ old light clothes tomorrow and bring £2.50 fundraising money.

Unfortunately, parents/careers can’t take part in this years colour run event!

Children will be dismissed at 3.15pm from the school field… parents/carers could therefore catch the end whilst waiting on Coniston Road for school gates to open at 3.10pm.

Thank you for your cooperation 😄🎨

A Great Start to Year 3

3GS have had a fantastic first day back! This afternoon children have shown great resilience and perseverance in learning to cross-stitch. Threading needles and learning to stitch has been a challenge but everyone has tried their best and we are starting to see our heart patterns emerging.

Mrs Shuka
