Year 3 had a fantastic trip to Doncaster Museum on Friday. In the morning, we explored the museum and enjoyed looking at the history of Doncaster. In the afternoon, we learnt more about The Celts and The romans in a mixture of workshop activities.
Category : p27
Wonderful Roman Workshop
We have had a great day today learning about the Romans in a variety of hands-on activities.
We have learnt about the armour a Roman soldier would wear and marched like soldiers following commands in Latin; we have written on wax tablets using stylae; we have made our own mosaic designs; we have been historians and held REAL roman artefacts that are nearly 2000 years old and we have worked together to construct Roman aqueducts.
Shout Out to George and Anwyn who completed the Aqueduct challenge all on their own in record time – I certainly couldn’t have done as well as them at building!
We have grappled and had to be resilient at times, but overall we have had a great day!
Many thanks to Claire from Want2be Workshops for making a very memorable day for us all.
Mrs Graves
Roman workshop (3F)
Today, we enjoyed a variety of Roman workshops. The children enjoyed investigating Roman artefacts, etching onto wax tablets, marching and dressing up.
Family learning 🏛️🛡️🎨
Tomorrow is LKS2 family learning for year 3 and 4 which will start at 1:30 and finish at around 3. Family members are to sign in at the office and will join the children in completing different activities set up across the four classrooms. Also if you could bring in any spare cardboard to use to make Roman shields, that would be greatly appreciated.
Year 3&4 team
The colour run sponsor winners 🎨
Thank you to everyone who brought in sponsor money for the colour run! Here pictured are the winners of the most sponsor money.
Enjoy your prizes guys!
-Miss Blackham
Roman Quest Day
Itās hard work being a Roman or a Briton!

Year 3 worked together in their crews to learn about the ancient Romans, to solve problems and crack codes. We worked together sharing ideas, researching and problem solving in order to open a treasure chest.

Mrs Shuka
What is the guiding question?
3GS have enjoyed colouring mosaics to discover our new guiding question: Coming to Doncaster. Why then? Why now?
Mrs Shuka

Danum Gallery and Museum Trip reminder
There are a number of children who have not yet returned their consent forms for the upcoming trip on Friday. I have spare forms ready to sign in the morning so please come and take one. We also need payments to be made via parent pay. If payments are not made, the trip may not go ahead. Please come and chat to class teachers if you need support with this.
Thank you!
Mrs Shuka
For this week only, Y3 will be doing PE on Tuesday (tomorrow). After this week, PE for Y3 will be every Wednesday.