Year 3 PE on Thursday this week

For this week only, Year 3 PE will be on Thursday 30th November, instead of Wednesday.

Next week will be Wednesday as usual.

There will be no PE in the final week of the Christmas term, due to other events in school – children will take part in active games that week instead – no need to wear PE kit.


Mrs Graves


LKS2 Pride of Plover

It was another lovely Community Crew on Friday, when we awarded the latest year 3 and 4 children with their Pride of Plover certificates and yellow T-Shirts.

Well done to: Emma, Hasty, Liva, Lena, Karlie-Rose and Alex – your hard work and determination has really paid off!

Mrs Graves


Expert Speaker in LKS2

Today we were so lucky to be joined virtually by Meltem Avcil, a former Doncaster resident and the main subject for the book we have read ‘Meltem’s Journey – A Refugee Diary.’

We have started to think about why people come to Doncaster nowadays and Meltem joined us to share her personal and emotional story of how, as a young child, she fled her homeland to find herself in Doncaster of all places.

Following a time a detention centre, she eventually moved to Cambridge where she now lives.

Her story is one of determination and resilience and she was a real inspiration for the children this afternoon – they couldn’t wait to ask her questions.

For our final piece of writing, the children would really like to learn the stories behind our own school community and what attracts people to Doncaster or what makes people stay – so we would appreciate it if you could support your child, when they come home wanting to ask you questions about where you are from.

Mrs Graves


Meltem’s Story

Today we had the privilege of taking part in a live video call with Meltem, a refugee from Turkey. We found out all about her journey from Turkey to Doncaster and her life as a refugee. We found out what brought her to Doncaster and how resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity has led to personal growth and success.

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Winter Poetry Handwriting Competition

Have you worked hard on your handwriting this year?

Are you proud of how beautiful your work looks?

Do you want to win a prize?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you need to enter our handwriting competition.

Look through the selection of poems in this blog and choose one appropriate for your phase, copy it out and decorate it using your best handwriting and presentation and return your entry to Mrs Graves.

Closing date: By the end of registration on Friday 1st December

See your Crew Lead or Mrs Graves for paper or line guides

Mrs Graves


Children in need

Thank you to everyone that donated a coin for Children in Need. We enjoyed a day of working hard in our PJs.

Year 3 PE

Today, class 3SG have been inside the hall today to work on their team building skills and communication. They were absolutely fantastic starting off with a game involving sense of direction and understanding North, East, South and West. They then split into groups and used cones to play a colour memory game. They worked so well together in groups and had so much fun!


Shadows and Mirrors

We are scientists!

Today, in 3GS, we have been investigating shadows and how moving closer to or away from a light source changes the length of a shadow. Have you ever noticed how your shadow looks at different times of the day?

We have also been investigating how mirrors reflect light and explored which materials are reflective.


Mrs Shuka

A big thank you from KS1

We wanted to say a MASSIVE thank you from Key Stage 1 to everyone who helped raise money towards the buddy benches. We were blown away by the kind donations, which will help us buy two handcrafted buddy benches for the playgrounds as part of our current expedition.

Well done to everyone who donated money and completed their sponsored walk today. It really was a big crew effort!

We look forward to sharing our designs and the finished product shortly.

Diwali – The Festival of Light in 3GS

On Friday, we spent some time learning about the Festival of Diwali, to link with our third Case Study ‘How does light illuminate our world?”.

Diwali is being celebrated by Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists all around the world this week, so it was perfect timing to do some research and find out more.

We watched videos and learnt the story of Rama and Sita and then we took part in a treasure hunt of facts around the room to see how much we had learnt.

We would like to wish everyone who has been celebrating this weekend a very happy Diwali.

Mrs Graves
