Speedy reading

Today in speedy reading, we summarised an unseen text in under 20 words. Well done everyone!

Year 3 PE

Today year 3 had been practicing their athletic skills with various different activities. They got into groups and went around the room to improve their speed bounce, long jump, sprinting and chest push with a ball.

Athletics in Y3/4

LKS2 have had a couple of great days in PE learning a variety of different skills including; sprinting using a bounce board, long jump, speed bounce and chest push activities. The children worked up a sweat and it was so nice to see every child so engaged and excited about their learning!


Miss Wood

LKS2 Pride of Plover

Very well done to the six pupils in Year 3 and 4 who were awarded the Pride of Plover certificate. you have all worked really hard and this was shown in the lovely things your crew leaders said about you today.

Well done and keep it up!

Mrs Graves


Fantastic reading

Well done to the amazing readers in 3F, who read beautifully to Miss Farrow and scored full marks on their AR questions.

Hook week

During hook week, we learned all about The Arctic and the animals that live there. Y3 created some beautiful canvas paintings that imitate the front cover of our core text, The Last Bear.

Year 3 PE

This morning, year 3 had continued with their athletics and today, they were practicing their long jumps. They started off with Simon says to test their reflexes until the last one standing, then in pairs, they jumped as far as they could before they placed a cone on where they jumped. Year 4 then finished with a different version of red light, green light where they had to jump their way to the finish line. They left the session with big smiles on their faces and superstars all around. Super proud of you year 3 this week!


Year 3 on the hunt for the guiding question!

On the first day back after Christmas, our challenge was to solve cryptic clues to reveal our expedition title and guiding question.

We did really well, working together in teams . It wasn’t easy, but we stuck at it and in the end, we worked out that our new expedition is:

There is no Planet B – Why should we protect our wonderful world?

Can’t wait to start learning!

Mrs Graves
